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Castles, A., Rastle, K., & Nation, K. (2018). Ending the reading wars: Reading acquisition from novice to expert. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 19(1), 5-51.
Connor, C.M., & Morrison, F.J. (2016). Individualizing student instruction in reading: Implications for policy and practice. Reading, Writing, and Language, 3(1), 54-61.
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Ehri, L. C., Nunes, S. R., Willows, D. M., Schuster, B. V., Yaghoub-zadeh, Z., & Shanahan, T. (2001). Systematic phonics instruction helps students learn to read: Evidence from the National Reading Panel's meta-analysis. Reading, 36, 250–287.
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Trezek, B. J., Wang, Y., Woods, D. G., Gampp, T. L., & Paul, P. V. (2007). Using visual phonics to supplement beginning reading instruction for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 12(3), 373-384.
Yoncheva, Y.N., Wise, J., & McCandliss, B. (2015) Hemispheric specialization for visual words is shaped by attention to sublexical units during initial learning. Brain & Language, 145-146, 23-33.