References: Explicit Instruction: Online Reading Strategies

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Afflerbach, P. A., & Cho, B. Y. (2010). Determining and describing reading strategies: Internet and traditional forms of reading. In Waters, H. S., & Schneider, W. (Eds.). Metacognition, strategy use, and instruction (pp. 201–255). Guilford.

Allen, M. (2008). Promoting critical thinking skills in online information literacy instruction using a constructivist approach. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 15(1-2), 21-38.

Azevedo, R. (2005). Using hypermedia as a metacognitive tool for enhancing student learning? The role of self-regulated learning. Educational Psychologist, 40(4), 199-209.

Carioli, S., & Peru, A. (2019). Teaching online reading strategies using the think aloud technique. Italian Journal of Educational Technology, 27(3), 279-294.

Coiro, J (2003). Exploring literacy on the Internet: Reading comprehension on the Internet: Expanding our understanding of reading comprehension to encompass new literacies. The Reading Teacher, 56(5), 458-464.

Coiro, J., Knobel, M., Lankshear, C., & Leu, D. J. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of research on new literacies. Routledge.

DeStefano, D., & LeFevre, J. A. (2007). Cognitive load in hypertext reading: A review. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(3), 1616-1641.

Shang, H. F. (2015). An investigation of scaffolded reading on EFL hypertext comprehension. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 31(3).

Sutherland-Smith, W. (2002). Weaving the literacy web: Changes in reading from page to screen. The Reading Teacher 55(7), 662-669.

Werderich, D. E., Manderino, M., & Godinez, G. (2017). Leveraging digital mentor texts to write like a digital writer. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 60(5), 537-546.

Goldstone (2001) noted that authors of postmodern texts have begun to function more as facilitators, inviting readers to construct their own story actively by “cobuilding the framework,