References: Feedback

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De Haas, M., Vogt, P., & Krahmer, E. (2020). The effects of feedback on children's engagement and learning outcomes in robot-assisted second language learning. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 7, 101.

Dweck, C. S. (2017). The journey to children's mindsets—and beyond. Child Development Perspectives, 11(2), 139-144.

Fong, C. J., Patall, E. A., Vasquez, A. C., & Stautberg, S. (2019). A meta-analysis of negative feedback on intrinsic motivation. Educational Psychology Review, 31, 121-162.

Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of Educational Research, 77(1), 81-112. doi:10.3102/003465430298487

Stanton, J. D., Sebesta, A. J., & Dunlosky, J. (2021). Fostering metacognition to support student learning and performance. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 20(2), fe3.

Van Loon, M. H., & Roebers, C. M. (2020). Using feedback to improve monitoring judgment accuracy in kindergarten children. Early childhood research quarterly, 53, 301-313.

Wisniewski, B., Zierer, K., & Hattie, J. (2020). The power of feedback revisited: A meta-analysis of educational feedback research. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 3087.