References: Flipped learning

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Fuchs, K. (2021). Innovative teaching: A qualitative review of flipped classrooms. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 20(3), 18-32.

Gilboy, M. B., Heinerichs, S., & Pazzaglia, G. (2015). Enhancing student engagement using the flipped classroom. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 47(1), 109-114.

Goedhart, N. S., Blignaut-van Westrhenen, N., Moser, C., & Zweekhorst, M. B. (2019). The flipped classroom: supporting a diverse group of students in their learning. Learning Environments Research, 22, 297-310.

Gough, E., DeJong, D., Grundmeyer, T., & Baron, M. (2017). K-12 teacher perceptions regarding the flipped classroom model for teaching and learning. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 45(3), 390-423.

Howell, R. A. (2021). Engaging students in education for sustainable development: The benefits of active learning, reflective practices and flipped classroom pedagogies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 325, 129318.

Låg, T., & Sæle, R. G. (2019). Does the flipped classroom improve student learning and satisfaction? A systematic review and meta-analysis. AERA open, 5(3), 2332858419870489.

Ngo, H. K., & Yunus, M. (2021). Flipped classroom in English language teaching and learning: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(3), 185-196.

Polat, H., & Karabatak, S. (2021). Effect of flipped classroom model on academic achievement, academic satisfaction and general belongingness. Learning Environments Research, 1-24.

Santikarn, B., & Wichadee, S. (2018). Flipping the classroom for English language learners: A study of learning performance and perceptions. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Online), 13(9), 123.

Wei, X., Cheng, I. L., Chen, N. S., Yang, X., Liu, Y., Dong, Y., ... & Kinshuk. (2020). Effect of the flipped classroom on the mathematics performance of middle school students. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68, 1461-1484.