References: Formative Assessment

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Clark, I. (2012). Formative assessment: Assessment is for self-regulated learning. Educational Psychology Review, 24(2), 205-249.

Cross, T. & Palese, K. (2015). Increasing learning: Classroom assessment techniques in the online classroom. American Journal of Distance Education, 29(2), 98-108.

Elmahdi, I., Al-Hattami, A., & Fawzi, H. (2018). Using technology for formative assessment to improve students' learning. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology—TOJET, 17(2), 182-188.

Estaji, M. & Mirzaii, M. (2018). Enhancing EFL learners' vocabulary learning through formative assessment: Is the effort worth expending? Language Learning in Higher Education, 8(2), 239-264

Green, T. M., Kelso, C. M., & Zillioux, D. (2015). The nexus between education and training: Implications for the adult learner. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 8(1). 64-79.

Hawe, E. & Dixon, H. (2017). Assessment for learning: A catalyst for student self-regulation. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(8), 1181-1192.

Hay, D., Tan, P., & Whaites, E. (2010). Non-traditional learners in higher education: Comparison of a traditional MCQ examination with concept mapping to assess learning in a dental radiological science course. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35(5), 577-595.

Hooley, D. S., & Thorpe, J. (2017). The effects of formative reading assessments closely linked to classroom texts on high school reading comprehension. Educational Technology Research and Development, 65(5), 1215-1238.

Marshall, E. M., Staddon, R. V., Wilson, D. A., & Mann, V. E. (2017). Addressing maths anxiety and engaging students with maths within the curriculum. MSOR Connections, 15(3), 28-35.

Mubayrik, H. F. B. (2020). New trends in formative-summative evaluations for adult education._ SAGE Open, 10_(3).

Serdyukova, N. (2015). What Does Indirect Assessment Tell Us?. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 8(1). 161-172.

Windisch, H. C. (2016). How to motivate adults with low literacy and numeracy skills to engage and persist in learning: A literature review of policy interventions. International Review of Education, 62(3), 279-297.