References: Guided Inquiry

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Chi, S., Liu, X., Wang, Z., & Won Han, S. (2018). Moderation of the effects of scientific inquiry activities on low SES students' PISA 2015 science achievement by school teacher support and disciplinary climate in science classroom across gender. International Journal of Science Education, 40(11), 1284-1304.

Davenport Huyer, L., Callaghan, N. I., Dicks, S., Scherer, E., Shukalyuk, A. I., Jou, M., & Kilkenny, D. M. (2020). Enhancing senior high school student engagement and academic performance using an inclusive and scalable inquiry-based program. npj Science of Learning, 5(1), 17.

de Jong, T. (2019). Moving towards engaged learning in STEM domains; there is no simple answer, but clearly a road ahead. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(2), 153-167.

Dobber, M., Zwart, R., Tanis, M., & van Oers, B. (2017). Literature review: The role of the teacher in inquiry-based education. Educational Research Review, 22, 194-214.

Early, M., & Kendrick, M. (2020). Inquiry-based pedagogies, multimodalities, and multilingualism: Opportunities and challenges in supporting English learner success. Canadian Modern Language Review, 76(2), 139-154.

FitzGerald, L. (2016). Does Guided Inquiry enhance learning and metacognition?. Synergy, 14(1).

Hwang, J., Choi, K. M., Bae, Y., & Shin, D. H. (2018). Do teachers' instructional practices moderate equity in mathematical and scientific literacy?: An investigation of the PISA 2012 and 2015. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 16, 25-45.

Kohnke, S. (2022). Making Inquiry Accessible for Students with Disabilities. The Science Teacher, 89(5), 36-41.

Lazonder, A. W., & Harmsen, R. (2016). Meta-analysis of inquiry-based learning: Effects of guidance. Review of educational research, 86(3), 681-718.

Liu, C., Zowghi, D., Kearney, M., & Bano, M. (2021). Inquiry‐based mobile learning in secondary school science education: A systematic review. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 37(1), 1-23.

Mumba, F., Banda, A., & Chabalengula, V. M. (2015). Chemistry Teachers' Perceived Benefits and Challenges of Inquiry-Based Instruction in Inclusive Chemistry Classrooms. Science Education International, 26(1), 180-194.

O'Brien, M., Makar, K., & Fielding-Wells, J. (2015). How inquiry pedagogy enables teachers to facilitate growth mindsets in mathematics classrooms. In M. Marshman, V. Geiger, & A. Bennison (Eds.), Mathematics education in the margins (Proceedings of the 38th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia) (pp. 469–476). Sunshine Coast: MERGA.