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Anmarkrud, Ø., Bråten, I., & Strømsø, H. I. (2014). Multiple-documents literacy: Strategic processing, source awareness, and argumentation when reading multiple conflicting documents. Learning and Individual Differences, 30, 64-76.
Behrman, E. H. (2006). Teaching about language, power, and text: A review of classroom practices that support critical literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 49(6), 490-498.
Clarke, L. W., & Whitney, E. (2009). Walking in their shoes: Using multiple‐perspectives texts as a bridge to critical literacy. The Reading Teacher, 62(6), 530-534.
Cummins, S. (2017). The case for multiple texts. Educational Leadership, 74(5), 66-71.
Goldman, S.R. (2004). Cognitive aspects of constructing meaning through and across multiple texts. In N. Shuart-Faris & D. Bloome (Eds.), Uses of intertextuality in classroom and educational research (pp. 317–352). Greenwich, CT: Information Age
Hynd, C. R. (1999). Teaching students to think critically using multiple texts in history. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 42(6), 428-436.
Molden, K. (2007). Critical literacy, the right answer for the reading classroom: Strategies to move beyond comprehension for reading improvement. Reading Improvement, 44(1), 50-56.
Muhammad, G. (2020). Cultivating genius: An equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy. Scholastic Incorporated.
Robb, L. (2002). Multiple texts: Multiple opportunities for teaching and learning. Voices from the Middle, 9(4), 28-32.