References: Non-intensive HLE Intervention Program

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Isbell, R., Sobol, J., Lindauer, L., & Lowrance, A. (2004). The effects of storytelling and story reading on the oral language complexity and story comprehension of young children. Early Childhood Education Journal, 32(3), 157-163.

Pan, B. A., Rowe, M. L., Singer, J. D., & Snow, C. E. (2005). Maternal correlates of growth in toddler vocabulary production in low-income families. Child Development, 76(4), 763-782.

Neumann, M. M., & Neumann, D. L. (2010). Parental strategies to scaffold emergent writing skills in the pre‐school child within the home environment. Early Years, 30(1), 79-94.

Niklas, F., & Schneider, W. (2015). With a little help: improving kindergarten children's vocabulary by enhancing the home literacy environment. Reading and Writing, 28(4), 491-508.

Weisleder, A., & Fernald, A. (2013). Talking to children matters: Early language experience strengthens processing and builds vocabulary. Psychological Science, 24(11), 2143-2152.