Measures and References: References: Physical Well-being

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Numerous measures exist to gain a full picture of a student's learning strengths and challenges. Following are examples of measures used to assess this Learner Factor. These measures should be administered and interpreted by experienced professionals.

No measures currently provided for this factor.


2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. (2018). 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific Report. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018.

Adolphus, K., Lawton, C. L., & Dye, L. (2013). The effects of breakfast on behavior and academic performance in children and adolescents. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 425.

Alvarez-Bueno, C., Pesce, C., Cavero-Redondo, I., Sanchez-Lopez, M., Martínez-Hortelano, J. A., & Martinez-Vizcaino, V. (2017). The effect of physical activity interventions on children's cognition and metacognition: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 56(9), 729-738.

Anda, R. F., Felitti, V. J., Bremner, J. D., Walker, J. D., Whitfield, C. H., Perry, B. D., … Giles, W. H. (2006). The enduring effects of abuse and related adverse experiences in childhood. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 256(3), 174-186.

Armitage, R. (2021). Bullying in children: impact on child health. BMJ Paediatrics Open, 5(1).

Becker, D. R., McClelland, M. M., Loprinzi, P., & Trost, S. G. (2014). Physical activity, self-regulation, and early academic achievement in preschool children. Early Education & Development, 25(1), 56-70.

Beets, M. W., Cardinal, B. J., & Alderman, B. L. (2010). Parental social support and the physical activity-related behaviors of youth: a review. Health Education & Behavior, 37(5), 621-644.

Berchicci, M., Pontifex, M. B., Drollette, E. S., Pesce, C., Hillman, C. H., & Di Russo, F. (2015). From cognitive motor preparation to visual processing: The benefits of childhood fitness to brain health. Neuroscience, 298, 211-219.

Berwid, O. G., & Halperin, J. M. (2012). Emerging support for a role of exercise in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder intervention planning. Current Psychiatry Reports, 14, 543-551.

Bidzan-Bluma, I., & Lipowska, M. (2018). Physical activity and cognitive functioning of children: a systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(4), 800.

Blom, L. C., Alvarez, J., Zhang, L., & Kolbo, J. (2011). Associations between health-related physical fitness, academic achievement and selected academic behaviors of elementary and middle school students in the state of Mississippi. ICHPER-SD Journal Of Research, 6(1), 13-19.

British Columbia Blind Sports and Recreation Association. (2009). Encouraging physical activity for preschoolers with visual impairment: A resource for parents.

Burdette, H. L., & Whitaker, R. C. (2005). Resurrecting free play in young children: looking beyond fitness and fatness to attention, affiliation, and affect. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 159(1), 46-50.

Burke, P., & Elliott, M. (1999). Depression in pediatric chronic illness: A diathesis-stress model. Psychosomatics, 40(1), 5-17.

Cadenas-Sanchez, C., Migueles, J. H., Esteban-Cornejo, I., Mora-Gonzalez, J., Henriksson, P., Rodriguez-Ayllon, M., & Ortega, F. B. (2020). Fitness, physical activity and academic achievement in overweight/obese children. Journal of Sports Sciences, 38(7), 731-740.

Cappuccio, F. P., Taggart, F. M., Kandala, N., Currie, A., Peile, E., Stranges, S., & Miller, M. A. (2008). Meta-analysis of short sleep duration and obesity in children and adults. Sleep, 31(5), 619-626.

Carver, A., Timperio, A., & Crawford, D. (2008). Playing it safe: The influence of neighbourhood safety on children's physical activity—A review. Health & Place, 14(2), 217-227.

Castelli, D. M., Hillman, C. H., Buck, S. M., & Erwin, H. E. (2007). Physical fitness and academic achievement in third-and fifth-grade students. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 29(2), 239-252.

Cerniglia, L., Cimino, S., Erriu, M., Jezek, S., Almenara, C. A., & Tambelli, R. (2018). Trajectories of aggressive and depressive symptoms in male and female overweight children: Do they share a common path or do they follow different routes?. PLoS one, 13(1), e0190731.

Chaput, J. P., Gray, C. E., Poitras, V. J., Carson, V., Gruber, R., Birken, C. S., ... & Tremblay, M. S. (2017). Systematic review of the relationships between sleep duration and health indicators in the early years (0–4 years). BMC Public Health, 17, 91-107.

Chen, E., Matthews, K. A., & Boyce, W. T. (2002). Socioeconomic differences in children's health: how and why do these relationships change with age?. Psychological Bulletin, 128(2), 295.

Coe, D. P., Pivarnik, J. M., Womack, C. J., Reeves, M. J., & Malina, R. M. (2006). Effect of physical education and activity levels on academic achievement in children. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(8), 1515-1519.

Davis, C. L., Tomporowski, P. D., McDowell, J. E., Austin, B. P., Miller, P. H., Yanasak … J.D., Naglieri, J. A. (2011). Exercise improves executive function and achievement and alters brain activation in overweight children: A randomized, controlled trial. Health Psychology, 30(1), 91-98.

De Greeff, J. W., Bosker, R. J., Oosterlaan, J., Visscher, C., & Hartman, E. (2018). Effects of physical activity on executive functions, attention and academic performance in preadolescent children: a meta-analysis. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 21(5), 501-507.

Etnier, J. L., Sprick, P. M., Labban, J. D., Shih, C. H., Glass, S. M., & Vance, J. C. (2020). Effects of an aerobic fitness test on short-and long-term memory in elementary-aged children. Journal of Sports Sciences, 38(19), 2264-2272.

Eveland-Sayers, B. M., Farley, R. S., Fuller, D. K., Morgan, D. W., & Caputo, J. L. (2009). Physical fitness and academic achievement in elementary school children. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 6(1), 99-104.

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Hopkins, W. G., Gaeta, H., Thomas, A. C., & Hill, P. N. (1987). Physical fitness of blind and sighted children. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 56(1), 69-73.

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Hoza, B., Shoulberg, E. K., Tompkins, C. L., Meyer, L. E., Martin, C. P., Krasner, A., ... & Cook, H. (2021). Meeting a physical activity guideline in preschool and school readiness: a program evaluation. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 52, 719-727.

Hughes, K., Bellis, M. A., Hardcastle, K. A., Sethi, D., Butchart, A., Mikton, C., ... & Dunne, M. P. (2017). The effect of multiple adverse childhood experiences on health: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Public Health, 2(8), e356-e366.

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Kamijo, K., Pontifex, M. B., O'Leary, K. C., Scudder, M. R., Wu, C. T., Castelli, D. M., & Hillman, C. H. (2011). The effects of an afterschool physical activity program on working memory in preadolescent children. Developmental Science, 14(5), 1046-1058.

Kosiecz, A., Taczała, J., Zdzienicka-Chyła, A., Woszczyńska, M., & Chrościńska-Krawczyk, M. (2019). The Level of Physical Fitness and Everyday Activities vs. Sensory Integration Processing Disorders in Preschool Children–Preliminary Findings. Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 9(6), 319-324.

Lam, L. F., & Lawlis, T. R. (2017). Feeding the brain–The effects of micronutrient interventions on cognitive performance among school-aged children: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Clinical Nutrition, 36(4), 1007-1014.

Latorre Roman, P. A., Pinillos, F. G., Pantoja Vallejo, A., & Berrios Aguayo, B. (2017). Creativity and physical fitness in primary school‐aged children. Pediatrics International, 59(11), 1194-1199.

López-Gil, J. F., Oriol-Granado, X., Izquierdo, M., Ramírez-Vélez, R., Fernández-Vergara, O., Olloquequi, J., & García-Hermoso, A. (2020). Healthy lifestyle behaviors and their association with self-regulation in Chilean children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16), 5676.

Ludyga, S., Gerber, M., Mücke, M., Brand, S., Weber, P., Brotzmann, M., & Pühse, U. (2020). The acute effects of aerobic exercise on cognitive flexibility and task-related heart rate variability in children with ADHD and healthy controls. Journal of Attention Disorders, 24(5), 693-703.

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Nieto-López, M., Sánchez-López, M., Visier-Alfonso, M. E., Martínez-Vizcaíno, V., Jiménez-López, E., & Álvarez-Bueno, C. (2020). Relation between physical fitness and executive function variables in a preschool sample. Pediatric Research, 88(4), 623-628.

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Paschen, L., Lehmann, T., Kehne, M., & Baumeister, J. (2019). Effects of acute physical exercise with low and high cognitive demands on executive functions in children: A systematic review. Pediatric Exercise Science, 31(3), 267-281.

Peers, C., Issartel, J., Behan, S., O'Connor, N., & Belton, S. (2020). Movement competence: Association with physical self-efficacy and physical activity. Human Movement Science, 70, 102582.

Priest, N., Paradies, Y., Trenerry, B., Truong, M., Karlsen, S., & Kelly, Y. (2013). A systematic review of studies examining the relationship between reported racism and health and wellbeing for children and young people. Social Science & Medicine, 95, 115-127.

Rogge, A. K., Hamacher, D., Cappagli, G., Kuhne, L., Hötting, K., Zech, A., & Röder, B. (2021). Balance, gait, and navigation performance are related to physical exercise in blind and visually impaired children and adolescents. Experimental Brain Research, 239, 1111-1123.

Romance, R., Nielsen-Rodríguez, A., Mendes, R. S., Dobado-Castañeda, J. C., & Dias, G. (2023). The influence of physical activity on the creativity of 10 and 11-year-old school children. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 48, 101295.

Roubinov, D. S., Hagan, M. J., Boyce, W. T., Adler, N. E., & Bush, N. R. (2018). Family socioeconomic status, cortisol, and physical health in early childhood: the role of advantageous neighborhood characteristics. Psychosomatic Medicine, 80(5), 492.

Scudder, M. R., Federmeier, K. D., Raine, L. B., Direito, A., Boyd, J. K., & Hillman, C. H. (2014). The association between aerobic fitness and language processing in children: Implications for academic achievement. Brain and Cognition, 87, 140-152.

Sebire, S. J., Jago, R., Fox, K. R., Edwards, M. J., & Thompson, J. L. (2013). Testing a self-determination theory model of children's physical activity motivation: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10, 1-9.

Smith, K. E., & Pollak, S. D. (2020). Early life stress and development: potential mechanisms for adverse outcomes. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 12(1), 1-15.

Su, J., Wu, Z., & Su, Y. (2018). Physical exercise predicts social competence and general well-being in chinese children 10 to 15 years old: A preliminary study. Child Indicators Research, 11, 1935-1949.

US Department of Health and Human Services. (2018). 2018 Physical activity guidelines advisory committee scientific report.

Van der Niet, A. G., Hartman, E., Smith, J., & Visscher, C. (2014). Modeling relationships between physical fitness, executive functioning, and academic achievement in primary school children. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(4), 319-325.

Van Der Niet, A. G., Hartman, E., Smith, J., & Visscher, C. (2014). Modeling relationships between physical fitness, executive functioning, and academic achievement in primary school children. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(4), 319-325.

Vazou, S., Gavrilou, P., Mamalaki, E., Papanastasiou, A., & Sioumala, N. (2012). Does integrating physical activity in the elementary school classroom influence academic motivation?. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 10(4), 251-263.

Vysniauske, R., Verburgh, L., Oosterlaan, J., & Molendijk, M. L. (2020). The effects of physical exercise on functional outcomes in the treatment of ADHD: A meta-analysis. Journal of Attention Disorders, 24(5), 644-654.

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