References: Playful Literacy Activities

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Antia, S. D., Kreimeyer, K. H., Metz, K. K., & Spolsky, S. (2003). Peer interactions of deaf and hard-of-hearing children. Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education, 1, 164-176.

Christie, J. F., & Enz, B. (1992). The effects of literacy play interventions on preschoolers' play patterns and literacy development. Early Education and Development, 3(3), 205-220.

​​Erdemir, E., & Brutt-Griffler, J. (2020). Vocabulary development through peer interactions in early childhood: A case study of an emergent bilingual child in preschool. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1-32.

Garaigordobil, M. (2006). Intervention in creativity with children aged 10 and 11 years: Impact of a play program on verbal and graphic–figural creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 18(3), 329–345.

Hall, A. H., Simpson, A., Guo, Y., & Wang, S. (2015). Examining the effects of preschool writing instruction on emergent literacy skills: A systematic review of the literature. Literacy Research and Instruction, 54(2), 115-134.

Mendelsohn, A. L., Cates, C. B., Weisleder, A., Johnson, S. B., Seery, A. M., Canfield, C. F., ... & Dreyer, B. P. (2018). Reading aloud, play, and social-emotional development. Pediatrics, 141(5).

Rand, M. K., & Morrow, L. M. (2021). The contribution of play experiences in early literacy: Expanding the science of reading. Reading Research Quarterly, 56, S239-S248.

Schmitt, K. L., Hurwitz, L. B., Duel, L. S., & Linebarger, D. L. N. (2018). Learning through play: The impact of web-based games on early literacy development. Computers in Human Behavior, 81, 378-389.

Scrabeck, T. (2020). The importance of utilizing play to promote emergent literacy in early childhood environment. Innovations and Critical Issues in Teaching and Learning, 1(1), 3.

Whitebread, D., & Basilio, M. (2016). Playful writing: Building stories together to inspire young writers: A teacher handbook. University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education.

​​Whitebread, D., Neale, D., Jensen, H., Liu, C., Solis, S. L., Hopkins, E., ... & Zosh, J. (2017). The role of play in children's development: a review of the evidence. LEGO Fonden.