References: Problem-based Learning

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Al Buali, W. H. & Khan, A. S. (2018). Challenges facing the shift from the conventional to problem-based learning curriculum. Higher Education Studies, 8(1), 36-41.

Aydinli-Mathews, J. (2007). Problem-based learning and adult english language learners. CAELA Brief, Center for Applied Linguistics.

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Ceker, E. & Ozdamli, F. (2016). Features and characteristics of problem based learning. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(4), 195-202.

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Ioannou, A., Vasiliou, C., & Zaphiris, P. (2016). Problem-based learning in multimodal learning environments: Learners' technology adoption experiences. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 54(7), 1022-1040.

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Rillero, P. & Chen, Y. C. (2019). The use of a digital problem-based learning module in science methods courses. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education. 7(1), 107-119.

Savin-Baden, M. (2014). Using problem-based learning: New constellations for the 21st century. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 25(3-4), 197-219.

Suryanti, H. H. S. & Supeni, S. (2019). A problem based learning (PBL) model in developing students' soft skills aspect. International Journal of Higher Education. 8(8).

Thorndahl, K. & Stentoft, D. (2020). Thinking critically about critical thinking and problem-based learning in higher education: A scoping review. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, 14(1).

Ünal, E. (2019). Web 2.0 technologies supporting problem-based learning: A systematic literature review. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education. 7(1), 25-50.

Virtanen, J. & Rasi, P. (2017). Integrating web 2.0 technologies into face-to-face PBL to support producing, storing, and sharing content in a higher education course. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 11(1).