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Barbetta, P. S., & Silio, M. (2009). Effects of word prediction and text-to-speech on the writing skills of students with learning disabilities. Research, Reflections and Innovations in Integrating ICT in Education, 1(1), 1149-1159.
Bonifacci, P., Colombini, E., Marzocchi, M., Tobia, V., & Desideri, L. (2022). Text-to-speech applications to reduce mind wandering in students with dyslexia. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 38(2), 440-454.
Meyer, N. K., & Bouck, E. C. (2014). The impact of text-to-speech on expository reading for adolescents with LD. Journal of Special Education Technology, 29(1), 21-33.
Norén, N., Bowden, H. M., & Evaldsson, A. C. (2021). Young students' treatment of synthetic voicing as an interactional resource in digital writing. Classroom Discourse, 1-23.
Parr, M. (2013). Text-to-speech technology as inclusive reading practice: Changing perspectives, overcoming barriers. LEARNing Landscapes, 6(2), 303-322.
Prion, S., & Mitchell, M. (2008). Audiobooks and cognitive load. In C. Bonk, M. Lee, & T.
Schneps, M. H., Thomson, J. M., Chen, C., Sonnert, G., & Pomplun, M. (2013). E-readers are more effective than paper for some with dyslexia. PloS one, 8(9), e75634.
Silver-Pacuilla, H., Ruedel, K., & Mistrett, S. (2004). A review of technology-based approaches for reading instruction: Tools for researchers and vendors. Buffalo, NY: The National Center for Technology Innovation.
Tare, M., Shell, A. R., & Jackson, S. R. (2020). Student engagement with evidence-based supports for literacy on a digital platform. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-11.
Whittingham, J., Huffman, S., Christensen, R., & McAllister, T. (2013). Use of audiobooks in a school library and positive effects of struggling readers' participation in a library-sponsored audiobook club. School Library Research, 16, 1-18.