References: Tossing Activity

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Donnelly, J. E., & Lambourne, K. (2011). Classroom-based physical activity, cognition, and academic achievement. Preventive Medicine, 52, S36-S42.

Jensen, E. (2005). Teaching with the brain in mind, 2nd edition. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

McClelland, M. M., Cameron, C. E., Connor, C. M., Farris, C. L., Jewkes, A. M., & Morrison, F. J. (2007). Links between behavioral regulation and preschoolers' literacy, vocabulary, and math skills. Developmental Psychology, 43(4), 947–959.

Opprezzo, M., & Schwartz, D.L. (2014). Give your ideas some legs: The positive effect of walking on creative thinking. The Journal of Experimental Psychology, 40(4), 1142-1152.

Singer, K. (2015). Sensory processing disorders in elementary school: Identification and management strategies for teachers in the inclusive classroom (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Ontario, Canada.

Taras, H. (2005). Physical activity and student performance at school. Journal of School Health, 75(6), 214-218.

Thompson, S. D., & Raisor, J. M. (2013). Meeting the sensory needs of young children. Young Children, 68(2), 34-43.