References: Varied Use of Manipulatives

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Belenky, D. M., & Nokes, T. J. (2009). Examining the role of manipulatives and metacognition on engagement, learning, and transfer. The Journal of Problem Solving, 2(2), 6.

Boggan, M., Harper, S., & Whitmire, A. (2010). Using manipulatives to teach elementary mathematics. Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 3.

Carbonneau, K. J., Marley, S. C., & Selig, J. P. (2013). A meta-analysis of the efficacy of teaching mathematics with concrete manipulatives. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(2), 380.

Fuchs, L. S., Fuchs, D., Powell, S. R., Seethaler, P. M., Cirino, P. T., & Fletcher, J. M. (2008). Intensive intervention for students with mathematics disabilities: Seven principles of effective practice. Learning Disability Quarterly, 31(2), 79-92.

Hudson, T. (2017). Six strategies to reach, teach, and close math gaps for Latino English language learners in elementary and middle school. Bellevue, WA: DreamBox Learning.

The Institute of Education Sciences (IES). (2017). Assisting students struggling with mathematics: Response to intervention (RtI) for elementary and middle schools. NCEE 2009-4060.

Laski, E. V., Jor'dan, J. R., Daoust, C., & Murray, A. K. (2015). What makes mathematics manipulatives effective? Lessons from cognitive science and Montessori education. SAGE Open, 5(2), 1-8.

Magargee, S. D., & Beauford, J. E. (2016). Do explicit number names accelerate pre-kindergarteners' numeracy and place value acquisition? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 92(2).

Marr, D., Cermak, S., Cohn, E. S., & Henderson, A. (2003). Fine motor activities in Head Start and kindergarten classrooms. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 57, 550-557.

McClelland, M. M., Cameron, C. E., Connor, C. M., Farris, C. L., Jewkes, A. M., & Morrison, F. J. (2007). Links between behavioral regulation and preschoolers' literacy, vocabulary, and math skills. Developmental Psychology, 43(4), 947-959.

Protheroe, N. (2007). What does good math instruction look like?. Principal, 87(1), 51-54.

Rittle-Johnson, B., & Jordan, N. C. (2016). Synthesis of IES-Funded Research on Mathematics: 2002-2013 (NCER 2016-2003) Washington, DC: National Center for Education Research, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.

Thompson, S. D., & Raisor, J. M. (2013). Meeting the sensory needs of young children. Young Children, 68(2), 34-43.

Willis, J. (2006). Research-based strategies to ignite student learning. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.