Measures and References: References: Creativity

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Numerous measures exist to gain a full picture of a student's learning strengths and challenges. Following are examples of measures used to assess this Learner Factor. These measures should be administered and interpreted by experienced professionals.

Assessing Creativity: A Palette of Possibilities: . LEGO Foundation resource with considerations and rubrics for assessing creativity in the classroom.

Values in Action Inventory for Youth: (Park & Peterson, 2006) Self-report questionnaire for ages 10 to 17 that measures 24 character strengths, including Creativity.


Abraham, A., Windmann, S., Siefen, R., Daum, I., & Güntürkün, O. (2006). Creative thinking in adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Child Neuropsychology, 12(2), 111-123.

Amabile, T. M., & Hennessey, B. A. (1992). The motivation for creativity in children. Achievement and Motivation: A Social-Developmental Perspective, 54-74.

Anderson, R. C., & Haney, M. (2021). Reflection in the creative process of early adolescents: The mediating roles of creative metacognition, self-efficacy, and self-concept. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 15(4), 612.

Anderson, R. C., Haney, M., Pitts, C., Porter, L., & Bousselot, T. (2020). “Mistakes can be beautiful”: Creative engagement in arts integration for early adolescent learners. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 54(3), 662-675.

Baas, M., De Dreu, C. K., & Nijstad, B. A. (2008). A meta-analysis of 25 years of mood-creativity research: Hedonic tone, activation, or regulatory focus?. Psychological Bulletin, 134(6), 779.

Beghetto, R. A., & Kaufman, J. C. (2014). Classroom contexts for creativity. High Ability Studies, 25(1), 53-69.

Boden, M. (2001). Creativity and knowledge. Creativity in Education, 95-102.

Cassotti, M., Agogué, M., Camarda, A., Houdé, O., & Borst, G. (2016). Inhibitory control as a core process of creative problem solving and idea generation from childhood to adulthood. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2016(151), 61-72.

Chen, P., Zhang, J., Li, H., & Fu, M. (2021). Relationships between parenting behaviors and adolescents' creativity in China: The mediating role of autonomous motivation. The Journal of Psychology, 155(5), 457-472.

Clapp, E. P., & Hanchett Hanson, M. (2019). Participatory creativity: Supporting dynamic roles and perspectives in the classroom. Dynamic perspectives on creativity: New directions for theory, research, and practice in education, 27-46.

Csikszentmihalyi, M., Routledge, R., Gute, G., Gute, D. S., Nakamura, J., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2014). The early lives of highly creative persons: The influence of the complex family. The Systems Model of Creativity: The Collected Works of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, 293-317.

Feldhusen, J. F. (2002). Creativity: The knowledge base and children. High Ability Studies, 13(2), 179-183.

Gajda, A., Karwowski, M., & Beghetto, R. A. (2017). Creativity and academic achievement: A meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(2), 269.

Gardiner, P. (2020). Learning to think together: Creativity, interdisciplinary collaboration and epistemic control. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 38, 100749.

Garris, S. R. (2020). Examining the Efficacy of Group Art Therapy for Children who Have Experienced Trauma Histories: A Systematic Review (Doctoral dissertation, California State University, Northridge).

Gerver, C. R., Griffin, J. W., Dennis, N. A., & Beaty, R. E. (2023). Memory and creativity: A meta-analytic examination of the relationship between memory systems and creative cognition. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-39.

Gill, D., & Prowse, V. L. (2021). The Creativity Premium. Available at SSRN 3855808.

Haase, J., Hoff, E. V., Hanel, P. H., & Innes-Ker, Å. (2018). A meta-analysis of the relation between creative self-efficacy and different creativity measurements. Creativity Research Journal, 30(1), 1-16.

Hennessey, B. A. (2001). The social psychology of creativity: Effects of evaluation on intrinsic motivation and creativity of performance.Multiple Perspectives on the Effects of Evaluation on Performance.

Hopfenbeck, T. N., Denton-Calabrese, T., Johnston, S.-K., Scott-Barrett, J., & Mcgrane, J. A. (2022). Facilitating Curiosity and Creativity in the Classroom An International Multisite Video Study.

Ivcevic, Z., & Brackett, M. A. (2015). Predicting creativity: Interactive effects of openness to experience and emotion regulation ability. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 9(4), 480.

Jacobs, G. M., & Lawson, N. D. (2017). Collaboration Can Promote Students' Creativity. Online Submission.

Kay, L., & Wolf, D. (2017). Artful coalitions: Challenging adverse adolescent experiences. Art Education, 70(5), 26-33.

Kleibeuker, S. W., De Dreu, C. K., & Crone, E. A. (2016). Creativity development in adolescence: Insight from behavior, brain, and training studies. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2016(151), 73-84.

Kleibeuker, S. W., Koolschijn, P. C. M., Jolles, D. D., De Dreu, C. K., & Crone, E. A. (2013). The neural coding of creative idea generation across adolescence and early adulthood. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 905.

Liang, Q., Niu, W., Cheng, L., & Qin, K. (2022). Creativity outside school: The influence of family background, perceived parenting, and after‐school activity on creativity. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 56(1), 138-157.

Oztop, P., & Gummerum, M. (2020). Group creativity in children and adolescents. Cognitive Development, 56, 100923.

Park, N., & Peterson, C. (2006). Moral competence and character strengths among adolescents: The development and validation of the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths for Youth. Journal of Adolescence, 29(6), 891-909.

Pierroux, P., Steier, R., & Ludvigsen, S. R. (2022). Group creativity in adolescence: Relational, material and institutional dimensions of creative collaboration. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 31(1), 107-137.

Piya-Amornphan, N., Santiworakul, A., Cetthakrikul, S., & Srirug, P. (2020). Physical activity and creativity of children and youths. BMC Pediatrics, 20, 1-7.

Preiss, D. D. (2022). Metacognition, mind wandering, and cognitive flexibility: Understanding creativity. Journal of Intelligence, 10(3), 69.

Randazzo, A. C., Muehlbach, M. J., Schweitzer, P. K., & Waish1, J. K. (1998). Cognitive function following acute sleep restriction in children ages 10–14. Sleep, 21(8), 861-868.

Rindermann, H., & Neubauer, A. C. (2004). Processing speed, intelligence, creativity, and school performance: Testing of causal hypotheses using structural equation models. Intelligence, 32(6), 573-589.

Sak, U., & Maker, C. J. (2006). Developmental variation in children's creative mathematical thinking as a function of schooling, age, and knowledge. Creativity Research Journal, 18(3), 279-291.

Sawyer, R. K. (2017). Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration (Second Edition). Basic Books.

Sawyer, R. K. (2023). Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation (Third Edition). Oxford.

Sen, R. S., & Sharma, N. (2013). The familial context of creativity: Patterns of nurturance in families of creative children. Psychological Studies, 58, 374-385.

Sica, L. S., Ragozini, G., Di Palma, T., & Aleni Sestito, L. (2019). Creativity as identity skill? Late adolescents' management of identity, complexity and risk‐taking. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 53(4), 457-471.

Silvia, P. J., Christensen, A. P., & Cotter, K. N. (2016). Commentary: The Development of Creativity--Ability, Motivation, and Potential. New directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2016(151), 111–119.

Singha, S., Warr, M., Mishra, P., Henriksen, D., & Deep-Play Research Group. (2020). Playing with creativity across the lifespan: A conversation with Dr. Sandra Russ. TechTrends, 64, 550-554.

Tarver, S. G., Buss, B. R., & Maggiore, R. P. (1979). The relationship between creativity and selective attention in LD boys. Learning Disability Quarterly, 2(1), 53-59.

Toivainen, T., Malanchini, M., Oliver, B. R., & Kovas, Y. (2017). Creative storytelling in childhood is related to exam performance at age 16. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, 33(40), 375-384.

van der Zanden, P. J., Meijer, P. C., & Beghetto, R. A. (2020). A review study about creativity in adolescence: Where is the social context?. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 38, 100702.

Vezzali, L., Gocłowska, M. A., Crisp, R. J., & Stathi, S. (2016). On the relationship between cultural diversity and creativity in education: The moderating role of communal versus divisional mindset. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 21, 152-157.

Weisberg, R. W. (1999). Creativity and Knowledge: A Challenge to Theories. Handbook of Creativity, 226–250.

Woolley, J. D., Bunce, L., & Boerger, E. A. (2020). Relations between imagination and creativity. Creativity and the Wandering Mind (181-203).

Zielińska, A., Lebuda, I., Ivcevic, Z., & Karwowski, M. (2022). How adolescents develop and implement their ideas? On self-regulation of creative action. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 43, 100998.