Professional Learning

Whole Learner Topics

Our topic pages highlight how learner variability intersects with different instructional practices and groups of learners. Discover what factors and strategies support these topics and more.

Culturally Responsive Practice

Engage students in the learning process, both cognitively and emotionally, through an understanding of how their identity and perspective is shaped by their culture and community experiences.

Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and ADHD

Specific learning disabilities can include dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia, while attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) centers on an individual’s challenge with focus.

Universal Design for Learning 

A learning design framework based on individual uniqueness in how they learn, and within that variability are patterns that are systematic and predictable based on neural networks that govern the learning process.

Workspaces: How educators are using the LVN.

Workspaces by Educators

Workspaces allow educactors to curate factors and strategies around a specific topic.  The workspaces below highlight how educators, coaches, and experts in the field have used this tool to support their work.

Rachael’s SEL Strategies for a Remote Classroom

Rachel Wilcox, 1st grade teacher, has curated strategies and resources to support both low tech and high tech options for SEL during distance learning.

Lynn’s Deep Dive into Critical Literacy

HP Fellow, Lynn Thomas, designed a workspace to reflect the resources, research, and thinking behind her new course on Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Voices.

Vidula’s Virtual Project-Based Learning

6th-grade teacher, Vidula Plante, reflects on the strategies that helped her adapt her PBL unit on kindness from in person to virtual.

Workspaces by Coaches

Ty’s Strategies to Address Assessment Anxiety

See how Coach Ty Johnson uses workspaces to coach his teachers on how to cope with issues like assessment anxiety.

Ty’s Strategies to Support Opening Math Routines

Math Coach Ty Johnson highlights factors and strategies that can support their instructional focus on opening math routines.

Ebony’s Strategies to Support Remote Learning

See what strategy Ebony Jones recommends for her teachers when designing instructional videos for remote learning.

Workspaces for Learning Differences

Megan’s Workspace on ADHD

Special Educator, Megan Gross, shares her favorite strategies for supporting students with ADHD in her classroom.

Megan’s Workspace on Dyslexia

Special Educator, Megan Gross, shares her favorite strategies for supporting students with dyslexia in her classroom.

Megan’s Workspace on Autism

Special Educator, Megan Gross, shares her favorite strategies for supporting students with autism in her classroom.

SaraBeth’s Workspace on Supporting Deaf Students’ Math Learning

SaraBeth Sullivan, neuroscience researcher, shares strategies and resources for supporting deaf students in math learning.

SaraBeth’s Workspace on Supporting Deaf Students’ Reading

SaraBeth Sullivan, neuroscience researcher, shares strategies and resources for supporting deaf students in reading

SaraBeth’s Workspace on Designing Accessible Classrooms

SaraBeth Sullivan, neuroscience researcher, shares tips for what accessibility aspects to consider when setting up your classroom for students with disabilities.

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