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Numerous measures exist to gain a full picture of a student's learning strengths and challenges. Following are examples of measures used to assess this Learner Factor. These measures should be administered and interpreted by experienced professionals.
Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA): (Parker et al., 1995): This test measures the reading comprehension and numeracy skill components of health literacy in adults using real-life health situations.
Revised Observed Tasks of Daily Living (OTDL-R): (Diehl et al., 2005): This measure includes task-based questions relating to health, financial, and everyday situational literacy.
Bennett, J. S., Boyle, P. A., James, B. D., & Bennett, D. A. (2012). Correlates of health and financial literacy in older adults without dementia. BMC Geriatrics, 12(1), 30.
Caratelli, M., & Ricci, O. (2011). The relationship between everyday practices and financial literacy: An empirical analysis. ASBBS Proceedings, 19(1), 115.
Diehl, M., Marsiske, M., Horgas, A. L., Rosenberg, A., Saczynski, J. S., & Willis, S. L. (2005). The revised observed tasks of daily living: A performance-based assessment of everyday problem solving in older adults. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 24(3), 211-230.
Diviani, N., van den Putte, B., Giani, S., & van Weert, J. C. (2015). Low health literacy and evaluation of online health information: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(5), e112.
Geboers, B., Uiters, E., Reijneveld, S. A., Jansen, C. J., Almansa, J., Nooyens, A. C., W. M. M. Verschuren, de Winter, A.F & Picavet, H. S. J. (2018). Health literacy among older adults is associated with their 10-years' cognitive functioning and decline-the Doetinchem Cohort Study. BMC Geriatrics, 18(1), 77.
Gormally, C., Brickman, P., & Lutz, M. (2012). Developing a test of scientific literacy skills (TOSLS): Measuring undergraduates' evaluation of scientific information and arguments. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 11(4), 364-377.
Guntzviller, L. M., King, A. J., Jensen, J. D., & Davis, L. A. (2017). Self-efficacy, health literacy, and nutrition and exercise behaviors in a low-income, Hispanic population. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 19(2), 489-493.
Hester, E. J. (2009). An investigation of the relationship between health literacy and social communication skills in older adults. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 30(2), 112-119.
Hershey, D. A., Walsh, D. A., Read, S. J., & Chulef, A. S. (1990). The effects of expertise on financial problem solving: Evidence for goal-directed, problem-solving scripts. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 46(1), 77-101.
Huerta-Macias, A. G. (2003). Meeting the challenge of adult education: A bilingual approach to literacy and career development. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 47(3), 218-226.
Jiang, B., & Kuehn, P. (2001). Transfer in the academic language development of post-secondary ESL students. Bilingual Research Journal, 25(4), 653-672.
McKee, M. M., Paasche-Orlow, M. K., Winters, P. C., Fiscella, K., Zazove, P., Sen, A., & Pearson, T. (2015). Assessing health literacy in deaf American Sign Language users. Journal of Health Communication, 20(0 2), 92–100.
Mellard, D. F., Woods, K. L., & Lee, J. H. (2016). Literacy profiles of at‐risk young adults enrolled in career and technical education. Journal of Research in Reading, 39(1), 88-108.
Murray, M. D., Morrow, D. G., Weiner, M., Tu, W., Deer, M. M., Brater, D. C., & Weinberger, M. (2004). A conceptual framework to study medication adherence in older adults. The American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, 2(1), 36-43.
North, S. (2005). Disciplinary variation in the use of theme in undergraduate essays. Applied Linguistics, 26(3), 431-452.
Osborn, C. Y., Paasche-Orlow, M. K., Bailey, S. C., & Wolf, M. S. (2011). The mechanisms linking health literacy to behavior and health status. American Journal of Health Behavior, 35(1), 118-128.
Parker, R. M., Baker, D. W., Williams, M. V., & Nurss, J. R. (1995). The test of functional health literacy in adults. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 10(10), 537-541.
Skagerlund, K., Lind, T., Strömbäck, C., Tinghög, G., & Västfjäll, D. (2019). Financial literacy and the role of numeracy–How individuals' attitude and affinity with numbers influence financial literacy. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 74, 18-25.
Stormacq, C., Van den Broucke, S., & Wosinski, J. (2018). Does health literacy mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and health disparities? Integrative review. Health Promotion International, 34(5), 1-17.
Wolf, M. S., Curtis, L. M., Wilson, E. A., Revelle, W., Waite, K. R., Smith, S. G., ... & Deary, I. C. (2012). Literacy, cognitive function, and health: Results of the LitCog study. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 27(10), 1300-1307.