References: Error Analysis

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Booth, J. L., Lange, K. E., Koedinger, K. R., & Newton, K. J. (2013). Using example problems to improve student learning in algebra: Differentiating between correct and incorrect examples. Learning and Instruction, 25, 24-34.

Borasi, R. (1996). Reconceiving mathematics instruction: A focus on errors. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Durkin, K., & Rittle-Johnson, B. (2012). The effectiveness of using incorrect examples to support learning about decimal magnitude. Learning and Instruction, 22(3), 206-214.

Heinze, A., & Reiss, K. (2007). Mistake-handling activities in the mathematics classroom: Effects of an in-service teacher training on students' performance in geometry. In Proceedings of the 31st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 3, pp. 9-16). Seoul: PME.

McGuire, P. (2013). Using online error analysis items to support preservice teachers' pedagogical content knowledge in mathematics. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 13(3), 207-218.

Rach, S., Ufer, S., & Heinze, A. (2013). Learning from errors: Effects of teachers training on students' attitudes towards and their individual use of errors. PNA, 8(1), 21-30.

Rittle-Johnson, B., & Star, J. R. (2007). Does comparing solution methods facilitate conceptual and procedural knowledge? An experimental study on learning to solve equations. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99(3), 561.