References: Multiple Representations: Number Line

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Alloway, T.P. (2006). How does working memory work in the classroom? Educational Research and Reviews, 1(4), 134-139.

Bright, G. W., Behr, M. J., Post, T. R., & Wachsmuth, I. (1988). Identifying fractions on number lines. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 19(3), 215.

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Frykholm, J. (2010). Learning to think mathematically with the number line. The Math Learning Center: Salem, OR.

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Kucian, K., Grond, U., Rotzer, S., Henzi, B., Schonmann, C., Plangger, F., ... & von Aster, M. (2011). Mental number line training in children with developmental dyscalculia. Neuroimage, 57(3), 782-795.

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Willis, J. (2006). Research-based strategies to ignite student learning. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Woods, D. M., Ketterlin Geller, L., & Basaraba, D. (2018). Number sense on the number line. Intervention__ in School and Clinic, 53(4), 229-236.

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