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Numerous measures exist to gain a full picture of a student's learning strengths and challenges. Following are examples of measures used to assess this Learner Factor. These measures should be administered and interpreted by experienced professionals.
Symbolic Magnitude Processing Test (SYMP): (Brankaer et al., 2017): Measures Symbolic Number knowledge, a key component of Number Sense, with a pencil and paper task, where students quickly compare magnitudes of one and two-digit numbers and cross out the larger of the two numbers.
Anobile, G., Pisa, U., & Stievano, P. (2013). Visual sustained attention and numerosity sensitivity correlate with math achievement in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 116, 380–391.
Bellon, E., Fias, W., & De Smedt, B. (2016). Are individual differences in arithmetic fact retrieval in children related to inhibition? Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1–11.
Berch, D. B. (2005). Making sense of number sense: Implications for children with mathematical disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38(4), 333–339.
Best, J. R., Miller, P. H., & Naglieri, J. A. (2011). Relations between executive function and academic achievement from ages 5 to 17 in a large, representative national sample. Learning and Individual Differences, 21(4), 327–336.
Booth, J. L., & Siegler, R. S. (2006). Developmental and individual differences in pure numerical estimation. Developmental Psychology, 41(6), 189–201.
Brankaer, C., Ghesquière, P., & Smedt, B. De. (2017). Symbolic magnitude processing in elementary school children: A group administered paper-and-pencil measure (SYMP Test). Behavior Research, 49, 1361–1373.
Bull, R., Marschark, M., Davidson, W., Murphy, D., Nordmann, E., Remelt, S., & Sapere, P. (2010). Numerical approximation and math achievement in deaf children. In poster presentation at the International Congress on the Education of the Deaf, Vancouver, Canada.
Butterworth, B., Varma, S., & Laurillard, D. (2011). Dyscalculia: From brain to education. Science, 332(6033), 1049–1053.
Chen, Q., & Li, J. (2014). Association between individual differences in non-symbolic number acuity and math performance : A meta-analysis. Acta Psychologica, 148, 163–172.
Cicchini, G. M., Anobile, G., & Burr, D. C. (2019). Spontaneous representation of numerosity in typical and dyscalculic development. Cortex, 114, 151-163.
Fuson, K. C. (1990). Conceptual structures for multiunit numbers: Implications for learning and teaching multidigit addition, subtraction, and place value. Cognition and Instruction, 7(4), 343–403.
Gilmore, C., Attridge, N., Clayton, S., Cragg, L., Johnson, S., Marlow, N., … Inglis, M. (2013). Individual differences in inhibitory control, not non-verbal number acuity, correlate with mathematics achievement. PLoS ONE, 8(6), 1–9.
Loehr, A. M., & Rittle-Johnson, B. (2017). Putting the “th” in tenths: providing place-value labels helps reveal the structure of our base-10 numeral system. Journal of Cognition and Development, 18(2), 226–245.
Malone, A. S., Loehr, A. M., & Fuchs, L. S. (2017). The role of domain-general cognitive abilities and decimal labels in at-risk fourth-grade students' decimal magnitude understanding. Learning and Individual Differences, 58, 90–96.
Mix, K. S., Levine, S. C., Young, C., & Hambrick, D. Z. (2016). Separate but correlated: The latent structure of space and mathematics across development. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145(9), 1206–1227.
Moeller, K., Pixner, S., Zuber, J., Kaufmann, L., & Nuerk, H. (2011). Early place-value understanding as a precursor for later arithmetic performance — A longitudinal study on numerical development. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(5), 1837–1851.
Namkung, J., Fuchs, L. S., & Koziol, N. (2018). Does initial learning about the meaning of fractions present similar challenges for students with and without adequate whole-number skill? Learning and Individual Differences, 61, 165–171.
Pixner, S., Leyrer, M., & Moeller, K. (2014). Number processing and arithmetic skills in children with cochlear implants. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1479.
Reys, R., Reys, B., Emanuelsson, G., Johansson, B., McIntosh, A., & Yang, D. C. (1999). Assessing number sense of students in Australia, Sweden, Taiwan, and the United States. School Science and Mathematics, 99(2), 61–70.
Schindler, M., Hußmann, S., Nilsson, P., & Bakker, A. (2017). Sixth-grade students' reasoning on the order relation of integers as influenced by prior experience: an inferentialist analysis. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 29(4), 471–492.
Schneider, M., Grabner, R. H., & Paetsch, J. (2009). Mental number line, number line estimation, and mathematical achievement: Their interrelations in grades 5 and 6. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(2), 359–372.
Stacey, K., & MacGregor, M. (1997). Building foundations for algebra. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 2(4), 252-60.
Thomas, N. (2004). The development of structure in the number system. Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education 4, 305-.312.
Vanbinst, K., Ansari, D., Ghesqui, P., & Smedt, B. De. (2016). Symbolic numerical magnitude is as important to arithmetic as phonological awareness Is to reading. PLoS ONE, 11(3), 1–11.
Vanbinst, K., Ceulemans, E., Ghesquière, P., & De Smedt, B. (2015). Profiles of children's arithmetic fact development: A model-based clustering approach. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 133, 29–46.