Measures and References: References: Physical Well-being

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Numerous measures exist to gain a full picture of a student's learning strengths and challenges. Following are examples of measures used to assess this Learner Factor. These measures should be administered and interpreted by experienced professionals.

Body Mass Index (BMI): An indicator of weight that takes height into account


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Franzini, L., Taylor, W., Elliott, M. N., Cuccaro, P., Tortolero, S. R., Gilliland, M. J., ... & Schuster, M. A. (2010). Neighborhood characteristics favorable to outdoor physical activity: disparities by socioeconomic and racial/ethnic composition. Health & Place, 16(2), 267-274.

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Hyndman, B., Benson, A. C., Lester, L., & Telford, A. (2017). Is there a relationship between primary school children's enjoyment of recess physical activities and health-related quality of life? A cross-sectional exploratory study. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 28(1), 37-43.

Hyndman, B., Telford, A., Finch, C., Ullah, S., & Benson, A. C. (2013). The development of the lunchtime enjoyment of activity and play questionnaire. Journal of School Health, 83(4), 256-264.

Jansen, P., Schmelter, A., Kasten, L., & Heil, M. (2011). Impaired mental rotation performance in overweight children. Appetite, 56(3), 766-769.

Jin, Y., & Jones-Smith, J. C. (2015). Associations between family income and children's physical fitness and obesity in California, 2010–2012. Preventing Chronic Disease, 12, 1-9.

Kamijo, K., Pontifex, M. B., O'Leary, K. C., Scudder, M. R., Wu, C. T., Castelli, D. M., & Hillman, C. H. (2011). The effects of an afterschool physical activity program on working memory in preadolescent children. Developmental Science, 14(5), 1046-1058.

Kirkpatrick, S. I., McIntyre, L., & Potestio, M. L. (2010). Child hunger and long-term adverse consequences for health. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 164(8), 754-762.

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Moore, J. B., Yin, Z., Hanes, J., Duda, J., Gutin, B., & Barbeau, P. (2009). Measuring enjoyment of physical activity in children: validation of the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 21(S1), S116-S129.

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Van der Niet, A. G., Hartman, E., Smith, J., & Visscher, C. (2014). Modeling relationships between physical fitness, executive functioning, and academic achievement in primary school children. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(4), 319-325.

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