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Numerous measures exist to gain a full picture of a student's learning strengths and challenges. Following are examples of measures used to assess this Learner Factor. These measures should be administered and interpreted by experienced professionals.
Electronic Bullying Questionnaire: (Kowalski & Limber, 2007): Self-report questionnaire to assess how often adults had been cyberbullied via email, chat, text, etc. and how often they had cyberbullied others.
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test: (World Health Organization): Self-report screening tool to assess drinking behaviors and alcohol-related problems.
Ahmadi, A., Pearlson, G. D., Meda, S. A., Dager, A., Potenza, M. N., Rosen, R., … Stevens, M. C. (2013). Influence of alcohol use on neural response to Go/No-Go task in college drinkers. Neuropsychopharmacology, 38(11), 2197–2208.
Arria, A. M., Garnier-Dykstra, L. M., Caldeira, K. M., Vincent, K. B., Winick, E. R., & O'Grady, K. E. (2013). Drug use patterns and continuous enrollment in college: Results from a longitudinal study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 74(1), 71-83.
Bond, S. A., Tuckey, M. R., & Dollard, M. F. (2010). Psychosocial safety climate, workplace bullying, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress. Organization Development Journal, 28(1), 37-56.
Chambers, E. C., Pichardo, M. S., & Rosenbaum, E. (2016). Sleep and the housing and neighborhood environment of urban Latino adults living in low-income housing: the AHOME study. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 14(2), 169-184.
Dry, M. J., Burns, N. R., Nettelbeck, T., Farquharson, A. L., & White, J. M. (2012). Dose-related effects of alcohol on cognitive functioning. PLoS ONE, 7(11), 1–8.
Harrell, E., Langton, L., Berzofsky, M., Couzens, L., & Smiley-McDonald, H. (2014). Household poverty and nonfatal violent victimization, 2008-2012. US Department of Justice.
Harvey, A. J., Kneller, W., & Campbell, A. C. (2013). The effects of alcohol intoxication on attention and memory for visual scenes. Memory, 21(8), 969–980.
Hersh, M. (2013). Deafblind people, communication, independence, and isolation. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 18(4), 446-463.
Horsman, J. (2000). Too scared to learn: Women, violence, and education. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Holt, M. K., Greif Green, J., Reid, G., DiMeo, A., Espelage, D. L., Felix, E. D., ... & Sharkey, J. D. (2014). Associations between past bullying experiences and psychosocial and academic functioning among college students. Journal of American College Health, 62(8), 552-560.
Houben, K., Wiers, R. W., & Jansen, A. (2011). Getting a grip on drinking behavior: Training working memory to reduce alcohol abuse. Psychological Science, 22(7), 968–975.
Kowalski, R.M., Giumetti, G.W., Schroeder, A.N. and Reese, H.H. (2012), Cyber Bullying Among College Students: Evidence from Multiple Domains of College Life, In Wankel, L.A. and Wankel, C. (Eds.) Misbehavior online in higher education. (Vol. 5, pp. 293-321). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Kowalski, R. M., & Limber, S. P. (2007). Electronic bullying among middle school students. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41(6), S22-S30.
Lowe, S. R., & Galea, S. (2017). The mental health consequences of mass shootings. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 18(1), 62-82.
MacLean, R. R., Geier, C. F., Henry, S. L., & Wilson, S. J. (2014). Digital peer interactions affect risk taking in young adults. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 24(4), 772-780.
Martin, L. G. (2004). Adult education in the urban context. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2004(101), 3-16.
Nelson, T. O., McSpadden, M., Fromme, K., & Marlatt, G. A. (1986). Effects of alcohol intoxication on metamemory and on retrieval from long-term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 115(3), 247.
Owsley, C., Ball, K., McGwin Jr, G., Sloane, M. E., Roenker, D. L., White, M. F., & Overley, E. T. (1998). Visual processing impairment and risk of motor vehicle crash among older adults. JAMA, 279(14), 1083-1088.
Perry, B. D. (2006). Fear and learning: Trauma-related factors in the adult education process. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 110, 21.
Prins, E., & Van Horn, B. (2012). Adult learning in family literacy. In B.H. Wasik (Ed.), Handbook of Family Literacy (p. 166-180). Routledge.
Rooney, M., Chronis-Tuscano, A. M., & Huggins, S. (2015). Disinhibition mediates the relationship between ADHD and problematic alcohol use in college students. Journal of Attention Disorders, 19(4), 313-327
Torgerson, C. N., Love, H. A., & Vennum, A. (2018). The buffering effect of belonging on the negative association of childhood trauma with adult mental health and risky alcohol use. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 88, 44-50.
Wilson-Genderson, M., & Pruchno, R. (2013). Effects of neighborhood violence and perceptions of neighborhood safety on depressive symptoms of older adults. Social Science & Medicine, 85, 43-49.
Wodtke, G. T., Harding, D. J., & Elwert, F. (2011). Neighborhood effects in temporal perspective: The impact of long-term exposure to concentrated disadvantage on high school graduation. American Sociological Review, 76(5), 713-736.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2016). Neighborhoods and violent crime.