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Numerous measures exist to gain a full picture of a student's learning strengths and challenges. Following are examples of measures used to assess this Learner Factor. These measures should be administered and interpreted by experienced professionals.
Child: and Adolescent Social Support scale (CASSS) (Malecki et al., 2000): Assessment of a student's perceived Social Supports from parents, teachers, classmates, and school for students in third to twelfth grades
Social Support Scale for Children (SSSC): (Harter, 1985): Assessment of Social Supports from parents, teachers, classmates, and friends.
Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale (PIPPS): (Fantuzzo & Hampton, 2000): Assessment of whether a child has positive and successful relationships with peers
Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ): (Goodman, Meltzer, & Bailey, 1998): Measurement of peer relationships and prosocial behavior, in addition to other factors such as conduct problems, hyperactivity and inattention, and emotional regulation difficulties
Alisic, E., Zalta, A. K., Van Wesel, F., Larsen, S. E., Hafstad, G. S., Hassanpour, K., & Smid, G. E. (2014). Rates of post-traumatic stress disorder in trauma-exposed children and adolescents: Meta-analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 204(5), 335-340.
Antia, S. D., Stinson, M. S., & Gaustad, M. G. (2002). Developing membership in the education of deaf and hard-of-hearing students in inclusive settings. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 7(3), 214-229.
Demaray, M. K., & Malecki, C. K. (2002). Critical levels of perceived social support associated with student adjustment. School Psychology Quarterly, 17(3), 213.
Elias, M. J., & Haynes, N. M. (2008). Social competence, social support, and academic achievement in minority, low-income, urban elementary school children. School Psychology Quarterly, 23(4), 474–495.
Fantuzzo, J. W., & Hampton, V. R. (2000). Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale: A parent and teacher rating system for young children. In K. Gitlin-Weiner, A. Sandgrund, & C. Schaefer (Eds.), Play diagnosis and assessment (2nd edition) (pp. 599-620). New York: Wiley.
Fillmore, L. W. (1991). When learning a second language means losing the first. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 6(3), 323-346.
Goodman, R., Meltzer, H., & Bailey, V. (1998). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: A pilot study on the validity of the self-report version. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 7(3), 125-130.
Gooren, E. M., van Lier, P. A., Stegge, H., Terwogt, M. M., & Koot, H. M. (2011). The development of conduct problems and depressive symptoms in early elementary school children: The role of peer rejection. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 40(2), 245-253.
Hartas, D. (2012). Children's social behaviour, language and literacy in early years. Oxford Review of Education, 38(3), 357-376.
Harter, S. (1985). Manual for the social support scale for children. Denver: University of Denver.
Johnson, K. F. (2013). The cumulative effect of hyperactivity and peer relationships on reading comprehension. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 2(1), 98-102.
Kilday, J. E., & Ryan, A. M. (2019). Personal and collective perceptions of social support: Implications for classroom engagement in early adolescence. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 58, 163-174.
Kim, J., & Cicchetti, D. (2010). Longitudinal pathways linking child maltreatment, emotion regulation, peer relations, and psychopathology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51(6), 706-716.
Malecki, C. K., & Demaray, M. K. (2006). Social support as a buffer in the relationship between socioeconomic status and academic performance. School Psychology Quarterly, 21(4), 375-395.
Malecki, C. K., Demaray, M. K., & Elliott, S. N. (2000). The Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University.
McIvor, O. (2005). The contribution of Indigenous heritage language immersion programs to healthy early childhood development. Compendium on Aboriginal early child development, 5-20.
Park, S. M. (2013). Immigrant students' heritage language and cultural identity maintenance in multilingual and multicultural societies. Concordia Working Papers in Applied Linguistics, 4, 30-53.
Rice, L., Barth, J. M., Guadagno, R. E., Smith, G. P. A., & McCallum, D. M. (2013). The role of social support in students' perceived abilities and attitudes toward math and science. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(7), 1028–1040.
Rueger, S. Y., Malecki, C. K., & Demaray, M. K. (2008). Gender differences in the relationship between perceived social support and student adjustment during early adolescence. School Psychology Quarterly, 23(4), 496-514.
Sikora, R. M. (2019). Teachers' social support, somatic complaints and academic motivation in children and early adolescents. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 60(2), 87-96.
Song, J., Bong, M., Lee, K., & Kim, S. I. (2015). Longitudinal investigation into the role of perceived social support in adolescents' academic motivation and achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107(3), 821.