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Numerous measures exist to gain a full picture of a student's learning strengths and challenges. Following are examples of measures used to assess this Learner Factor. These measures should be administered and interpreted by experienced professionals.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT): (Dunn & Dunn, 2007): Measures Receptive Vocabulary (ages 2;6 - 90+ years)
Berman, R. A., & Nir-Sagiv, B. (2007). Comparing narrative and expository text construction across adolescence: A developmental paradox. Discourse Processes, 43(2), 79-120.
Best, J. R., Miller, P. H., & Naglieri, J. A. (2011). Relations between executive function and academic achievement from ages 5 to 17 in a large, representative national sample. Learning and Individual Differences, 21(4), 327–336.
Bishop, D. (1989). TROG: Test of Reception of Grammar. Abingdon, UK: Thomas Leach Ltd.
Briscoe, J., Bishop, D. V., & Norbury, C. F. (2001). Phonological processing, language, and literacy: A comparison of children with mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing loss and those with specific language impairment. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 42(3), 329-340.
Carrow-Woolfolk, E. (1996). Oral and Written Language Scale. Minneapolis, MN: Pearson.
Connor, C. M., Radach, R., Vorstius, C., Day, S. L., McLean, L., & Morrison, F. J. (2015). Individual differences in fifth graders' literacy and academic language predict comprehension monitoring development: An eye-movement study. Scientific Studies of Reading, 19(2), 114-134.
Currie, N. K., & Cain, K. (2015). Children's inference generation: The role of vocabulary and working memory. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 137, 57-75.
Dunn, L. M., The ́riault-Whalen, C. M., & Dunn, L. M. (1993). Echelle de vocabulaire en images Peabody. Adaptation fran ̧caise du Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Revised. Toronto: PsyCan.
Dunn, L. M., & Dunn, D. M. (2007). Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test: PPVT-4A. Minneapolis, MN: NCS Pearson.
Dunn, L. M., Dunn, D. M., Styles, B., and Sewell, J. (2009). The British Picture Vocabulary Scale III (3rd ed.). London: GL Assessment Limited.
Dunn, L.M., Dunn, L.M., & Whetton, C.W. (1997). The British Picture Vocabulary Scale (2nd ed.). Windsor, England: NFER-Nelson.
Ecalle, J. (2006). Time ́3. Test d'identification de mots e ́crits pour enfants de 7 a` 15 ans [Written word recognition test for children from 7 to 15 y.o]. Paris: Mot-`a-Mot.
Ecalle, J., & Magnan, A. (2008). Relations between print exposure and literacy skills: New evidence from Grade 1–5. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 26(4), 525-544.
Fagan, M. K. (2016). Spoken vocabulary development in deaf children with and without cochlear implants. The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies in Language, 132-145.
Floyd, R. G., McGrew, K. S., & Evans, J. J. (2008). The relative contributions of the Cattell‐Horn‐Carroll cognitive abilities in explaining writing achievement during childhood and adolescence. Psychology in the Schools, 45(2), 132-144.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G., de Graaf, P.M., Treiman, D.J., & de Leeuw, J. (1992). A standard International Socio-Economic Index of occupational status. Social Science Research, 21(1), 1–56.
Heppt, B., Haag, N., Böhme, K., & Stanat, P. (2015). The role of academic‐language features for reading comprehension of language‐minority students and students from low‐SES families. Reading Research Quarterly, 50(1), 61-82.
Hutchinson, J. M., Whiteley, H. E., Smith, C. D., & Connors, L. (2003). The developmental progression of comprehension‐related skills in children learning EAL. Journal of Research in Reading, 26(1), 19-32.
Karlsen, B., & Gardner, E. (1995). Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test (4th ed.): Brown level (Grades 6.5 to 8.9). San Antonio, TX: Harcourt Brace Educational Measurement.
Karlsen, B., & Gardner, E. (1996). Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test (4th ed.): Purple level (Grades 4.5 to 6.5). San Antonio, TX: Harcourt Brace Educational Measurement.
Koutsoftas, A. D., & Gray, S. (2012). Comparison of narrative and expository writing in students with and without language-learning disabilities. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 43(4), 395-409.
Lesaux, N. K., Kieffer, M. J., Kelley, J. G., & Harris, J. R. (2014). Effects of academic vocabulary instruction for linguistically diverse adolescents: Evidence from a randomized field trial. American Educational Research Journal, 51(6), 1159-1194.
MacGinitie, W. H., MacGinitie, R. K., Maria, K. & Dreyer, L. G. (2000). Gates MacGinitie Reading Tests. Rolling Meadows, IL: Riverside.
MacGinitie, W. H., MacGinitie, R. K., Maria, K., & Dreyer, L. G. (2002). Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests, Fourth Edition Technical Report for Forms S & T. Itasca, IL: Riverside.
Mancilla‐Martinez, J., & Lesaux, N. K. (2011). The gap between Spanish speakers' word reading and word knowledge: A longitudinal study. Child Development, 82(5), 1544-1560.
Morra, S., & Camba, R. (2009). Vocabulary learning in primary school children: Working memory and long-term memory components. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 104(2), 156-178.
Nagy, W., Berninger, V. W., & Abbott, R. D. (2006). Contributions of morphology beyond phonology to literacy outcomes of upper elementary and middle-school students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98(1), 134-147.
Nagy, W., Berninger, V., Abbott, R., Vaughan, K., & Vermeulen, K. (2003). Relationship of morphology and other language skills to literacy skills in at-risk second-grade readers and at-risk fourth-grade writers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(4), 730-742.
Neale, M.D. (1997). Neale Analysis of Reading Ability (Second Revised British Edition). Windsor: NFER-Nelson.
Norbury, C. F. (2004). Factors supporting idiom comprehension in children with communication disorders. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 47(5), 1179-1193.
Olinghouse, N. G., & Leaird, J. T. (2009). The relationship between measures of vocabulary and narrative writing quality in second-and fourth-grade students. Reading and Writing, 22(5), 545-565.
Ouellette, G. P. (2006). What's meaning got to do with it: The role of vocabulary in word reading and reading comprehension. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98(3), 554-566.
Pickering, S., & Gathercole, S. (2001). Working Memory Test Battery for Children. London: Psychological Corporation.
Pittman, A. L. (2008). Short-term word-learning rate in children with normal hearing and children with hearing loss in limited and extended high-frequency bandwidths. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 51(3), 785-797.
Semel, E.M., Wiig, E.H., & Secord, W. (2017). Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (5th ed.). London: The Psychological Corporation.
Sharkey, P. (2010). The acute effect of local homicides on children's cognitive performance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(26), 11733-11738.
Thurstone, T. G., & Thurstone, L. L. (1981). PMA abilità mentali primarie (Revisione 1962), Manuale per l'esaminatore, Reattivi per i livelli 4–6 (3 , 4 , 5 Elementare e 1 media) (Primary Mental Abilities, 1962 revision: Tester's manual) (Italian adaptation by V. Rubini & M. A. Rossi). Firenze, Italy: Organizzazioni Speciali.
Vought J.K., Dean R.S. (2011) Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities. In: Goldstein S., Naglieri J.A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development. Springer, Boston, MA.
Wagner, R. K., Torgesen, J. K., & Rashotte, C. A. (1994). Development of reading-related phonological processing abilities: New evidence of bidirectional causality from a latent variable longitudinal study. Developmental Psychology, 30(1), 73-87.
Wiig, E.H & Secord, W. (1992). Test of Word Knowledge. London: The Psychological Corporation Limited.
Woodcock, R. W. (1987). Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests - Revised. Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Service
Woodcock, R. W. (1991). Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery - Revised. Itasca, IL: Riverside Publishing.
Woodcock, R. W., Muñoz-Sandoval, A. F. (1995). Bateria Woodcock-Muñoz Pruebas de Aprovechamieto- Evisada. Chicago, IL: Riverside.