Search results: special education classroom management

2092 results
Literacy PK-3 > Factor References > References: Sense of Belonging

Dansey, D., Shbero, D., & John, M. (2019). Keeping secrets: How children in foster care manage stigma. Adoption & Fostering, 43(1), 35-45.

Portrait of a Learner 9-12 > Strategy References > Communication Boards

Hurtig, R. R., Alper, R. M., Bryant, K. N. T., Davidson, K. R., & Bilskemper, C. (2019). Improving Patient Safety and Patient–Provider Communication. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 4(5), 1017–1027.

Literacy 7-12 > Strategy References > Dim or Natural Lighting

Keis, O., Helbig, H., Streb, J., & Hille, K. (2014). Influence of blue-enriched classroom lighting on students׳ cognitive performance. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 3(3-4), 86-92.

Literacy PK-3 > Strategy > Flexible Grouping

Bates, C. C. (2013). Flexible grouping during literacy centers: A model for differentiating instruction. YC Young Children, 68(2), 30.Castle, S., Deniz, C. B., & Tortora, M. (2005). Flexible grouping and student learning in a high-needs school. Education and Urban Society, 37(2), 139-150.Colon, G., Zgliczynski, T., & Maheady, L. (2022). Using Flexible Grouping. In High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms (pp. 265-281). Routledge.Dube, F., Bessette, L., & Dorval, C. (2011). Differentiation and Explicit Teaching: Integration of Students with Learning Difficulties. Online Submission.Dube, F., Dorval, C., & Bessette, L. (2013). Flexible grouping, explicit reading instruction in elementary school. Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 10.Ford, M. P. (2005). Differentiation Through Flexible Grouping: Successfully Reaching All Readers. Learning Point Associates/North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).Hoffman, J. (2002). Flexible grouping strategies in the multiage classroom. Theory Into Practice, 41(1), 47-52.Hunter, W. C., Barnes, K. L., Taylor, A., Rush, C., & Banks, T. (2021). Using flexible grouping instruction to create culturally relevant PK-12 learning communities for culturally and linguistically diverse learners with exceptionalities. Multicultural Learning and Teaching, 0(0).Pogulis, M. (2018). Flexible Reading Groups And Social Emotional Needs In A First Grade Classroom.Schlag, G. E. (2009). The relationship between flexible reading groups and reading achievement in elementary school students (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University).

Literacy PK-3 > Strategy References > Model Assignment or Skill

Gerde, H. K., Bingham, G. E., & Wasik, B. A. (2012). Writing in early childhood classrooms: Guidance for best practices. Early Childhood Education Journal, 40(6), 351-359.

Literacy PK-3 > Strategy References > Model Assignment or Skill

Gerde, H. K., Bingham, G. E., & Wasik, B. A. (2012). Writing in early childhood classrooms: Guidance for best practices. Early Childhood Education Journal, 40(6), 351-359.

Math 7-10 > Strategy References > Goal Setting & Monitoring

Gersten, R., Beckmann, S., Clarke, B., Foegen, A., Marsh, L., Star, J. R., & Witzel, B. (2009). Assisting students struggling with mathematics: Response to Intervention (RtI) for elementary and middle schools (NCEE 2009-4060). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.

Math 7-9 > Strategy References > Goal Setting & Monitoring

Gersten, R., Beckmann, S., Clarke, B., Foegen, A., Marsh, L., Star, J. R., & Witzel, B. (2009). Assisting students struggling with mathematics: Response to Intervention (RtI) for elementary and middle schools (NCEE 2009-4060). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.

Portrait of a Learner 9-12 > Strategy > Flexible Grouping

Flexible grouping is a classroom practice that temporarily places students together in given groups to work together, with the purpose of achieving a given learning goal or activity.

Math PK-2 > Strategy References > Temperature

Lyons, J. B. (2001). Do school facilities really impact a child's education? Scottsdale, AZ: Council of Educational Facility Planners, International.