Search results: special education classroom management

2092 results
Literacy 7-12 > Strategy References > Discipline-specific Writing

Brozo, W., & Crain, S. (2018). Writing in math: A disciplinary literacy approach. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 91(1), 7-13.

Math PK-2 > Strategy > Family Engagement

Cohen, J. (2001). Social and emotional education: Core concepts and practices. In J. Cohen (Ed.), Caring classrooms/intelligent schools: The social emotional education of young children (Chapter 1). New York: Teachers College Press.

Portrait of a Learner 9-12 > Strategy References > Collaborative Writing

Baker, S. F., & Lastrapes, R. E. (2019). The writing performance of elementary students using a digital writing application: Results of a teacher–librarian collaboration. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 16(4), 343-362.

Literacy PK-3 > Strategy References > Gallery Walk

Cohen, J. (2001). Social and emotional education: Core concepts and practices. In J. Cohen (Ed.), _Caring classrooms/intelligent schools: The social emotional education of young children _(Chapter 1). New York: Teachers College Press.

Literacy 4-6 > Strategy References > Mindfulness Activities

Martin, P. M. (2016). Incorporating mindfulness education in classroom learning to reduce anxiety of reading for primary-aged school children: A quasi-experimental study (Doctoral dissertation). Northcentral University, Arizona.

Portrait of a Learner PK-3 > Strategy References > Gallery Walk

Cohen, J. (2001). Social and emotional education: Core concepts and practices. In J. Cohen (Ed.), Caring classrooms/intelligent schools: The social emotional education of young children (Chapter 1). New York: Teachers College Press.

Literacy PK-3 > Strategy > Student Choice

American Psychological Association, Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education. (2015). Top 20 principles from psychology for preK-12 teaching and learning. Retrieved from

Portrait of a Learner PK-3 > Strategy References > Guided Inquiry

O'Brien, M., Makar, K., & Fielding-Wells, J. (2015). How inquiry pedagogy enables teachers to facilitate growth mindsets in mathematics classrooms. In M. Marshman, V. Geiger, & A. Bennison (Eds.), Mathematics education in the margins (Proceedings of the 38th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia) (pp. 469–476). Sunshine Coast: MERGA.

Portrait of a Learner 9-12 > Strategy References > Guided Inquiry

O'Brien, M., Makar, K., & Fielding-Wells, J. (2015). How inquiry pedagogy enables teachers to facilitate growth mindsets in mathematics classrooms. In M. Marshman, V. Geiger, & A. Bennison (Eds.), Mathematics education in the margins (Proceedings of the 38th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia) (pp. 469–476). Sunshine Coast: MERGA.

Portrait of a Learner 4-8 > Strategy References > Family Engagement

Cohen, J. (2001). Social and emotional education: Core concepts and practices. In J. Cohen (Ed.), Caring classrooms/intelligent schools: The social emotional education of young children (Chapter 1). New York: Teachers College Press.