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Numerous measures exist to gain a full picture of a student's learning strengths and challenges. Following are examples of measures used to assess this Learner Factor. These measures should be administered and interpreted by experienced professionals.
No measures currently provided for this factor.
Annesi, J. J., Johnson, P. H., Tennant, G. A., Porter, K. J., & Mcewen, K. L. (2016). Weight loss and the prevention of weight regain: Evaluation of a treatment model of exercise self-regulation generalizing to controlled eating. The Permanente Journal, 20(3), 4–17.
Basso, J. C., & Suzuki, W. A. (2017). The effects of acute exercise on mood, cognition, neurophysiology, and neurochemical pathways: A review. Brain Plasticity, 2(2), 127-152.
Buckworth, J., Lee, R. E., Regan, G., Schneider, L. K., & DiClemente, C. C. (2007). Decomposing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for exercise: Application to stages of motivational readiness. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 8(4), 441–461.
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Chang, Y. K., Labban, J. D., Gapin, J. I., & Etnier, J. L. (2012). The effects of acute exercise on cognitive performance: a meta-analysis. Brain Research, 1453, 87-101.
Crews, J. E., & Campbell, V. A. (2004). Vision impairment and hearing loss among community-dwelling older Americans: implications for health and functioning. American Journal of Public Health, 94(5), 823-829.
Den Heijer, A. E., Groen, Y., Tucha, L., Fuermaier, A., Koerts, J., Lange, K. W., ... & Tucha, O. (2017). Sweat it out? The effects of physical exercise on cognition and behavior in children and adults with ADHD: A systematic literature review. Journal of Neural Transmission, 124(1), 3-26.
Diehl, S. J. (2011). Health literacy education within adult literacy instruction. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 130, 29-41.
Drysdale, M. T., Callaghan, S. A., & Dhanota, A. (2020). Sense of belonging of sexual minority students participating in work-integrated learning programs. Education+Training, 63(2), 182-194.
Field, J. (2011). Adult learning, health and well-being–changing lives. Adult Learner, 13-25.
Goosby, B. J., & Heidbrink, C. (2013). The transgenerational consequences of discrimination on African‐American health outcomes. Sociology Compass, 7(8), 630-643.
Gothe, N. P., Kramer, A. F., & McAuley, E. (2017). Hatha yoga practice improves attention and processing speed in older adults: Results from an 8-week randomized control trial. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 23(1), 35-40.
Gow, A.J., Mortensen, E.L., and Avlund, K. (2012). Activity participation and cognitive aging from age 50 to 80 in the Glostrup 1914 cohort. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 60(10), 1831–1838.
Haynes, J. T., Frith, E., Sng, E., & Loprinzi, P. D. (2019). Experimental effects of acute exercise on episodic memory function: Considerations for the timing of exercise. Psychological Reports, 122(5), 1744–1754.
Hong, Y. A., & Cho, J. (2017). Has the digital health divide widened? Trends of health-related internet use among older adults from 2003 to 2011. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 72(5), 856-863.
Hornsby, B. W., Naylor, G., & Bess, F. H. (2017). A taxonomy of fatigue concepts and their relation to hearing loss. Ear and Hearing, 37(Suppl 1), 136S.
Ihle, A., Mons, U., Perna, L., Oris, M., Fagot, D., Gabriel, R., & Kliegel, M. (2016). The relation of obesity to performance in verbal abilities, processing speed, and cognitive flexibility in old age: The role of cognitive reserve. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 42(1-2), 117-126.
Keenan, T. D., Agrón, E., Mares, J. A., Clemons, T. E., van Asten, F., Swaroop, A., & Chew, E. Y. (2020). Adherence to a mediterranean diet and cognitive function in the age‐related eye disease studies 1 & 2. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 16(6), 831-842.
Masley, S., Roetzheim, R., & Gualtieri, T. (2009). Aerobic exercise enhances cognitive flexibility. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 16(2), 186-193.
McFarlane, A. C. (2010). The long‐term costs of traumatic stress: Intertwined physical and psychological consequences. World Psychiatry, 9(1), 3-10.
Murray, M. D., Morrow, D. G., Weiner, M., Tu, W., Deer, M. M., Brater, D. C., & Weinberger, M. (2004). A conceptual framework to study medication adherence in older adults. The American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, 2(1), 36-43.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2018). How people learn II: Learners, contexts, and cultures. The National Academies Press.
Osborn, C. Y., Paasche-Orlow, M. K., Bailey, S. C., & Wolf, M. S. (2011). The mechanisms linking health literacy to behavior and health status. American Journal of Health Behavior, 35(1), 118-128.
Perrot, A., Gagnon, C., & Bertsch, J. (2009). Physical activity as a moderator of the relationship between aging and inductive reasoning. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80(2), 393–397.
President's Council on Sports. (2017). Facts & statistics.
Rebar, A. L., Stanton, R., Geard, D., Short, C., Duncan, M. J., & Vandelanotte, C. (2015). A meta-meta-analysis of the effect of physical activity on depression and anxiety in non-clinical adult populations. Health Psychology Review, 9(3), 366-378.
Rhone, A., Ver Ploeg, M., Williams, R., & Breneman, V. (2019). Understanding low-Income and low-access census tracts across the nation: Subnational and subpopulation estimates of access to healthy food. United States Department of Agriculture.
Rogge, A. K., Röder, B., Zech, A., Nagel, V., Hollander, K., Braumann, K. M., & Hötting, K. (2017). Balance training improves memory and spatial cognition in healthy adults. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1–10.
Schneider, E. L., & Davidson, L. (2003). Physical health and adult well-being. In M. H. Bornstein, L. Davidson, C. L. M. Keyes, & K. A. Moore (Eds.), Crosscurrents in contemporary psychology. Well-being: Positive development across the life course (pp. 407-423). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Sibley, B. A., Etnier, J. L., & Le Masurier, G. C. (2006). Effects of an acute bout of exercise on cognitive aspects of stroop performance. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 28(3), 285–299.
Thoits, P. A. (2011). Mechanisms linking social ties and support to physical and mental health. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 52(2), 145-161.
Yoon, H., Jang, Y., Vaughan, P. W., & Garcia, M. (2020). Older adults' Internet use for health information: Digital divide by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 39(1), 105-110.