Adult Learner

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Adult Learner > Factors > Physical Well-being

Physical Well-being

Factor Connections

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How Physical Well-being connects to...

The benefits of physical health go beyond our bodies—our cognitive skills and mood also improve with physical fitness. Adults with good overall Physical Well-being benefit from improved cognition and focus, which in turn can boost learning. Engaging in adult education can positively affect Physical Well-being as health literacy increases and adults learn to advocate for their needs.

Main Ideas

Our Physical Well-being is dependent on proper nutrition, regular exercise, and quality Sleep.

  • Nutrition: Proper nutrition is an important part of Physical Well-being. Many Americans do not eat the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables, though they are an essential component of a healthy diet, and eat more sodium than is recommended. This may result from limited access to healthy foods, particularly in lower SES homes.
  • Regular exercise: Increased participation in physical activities directly impacts heath as well as cognitive performance, leading to enhanced learning. Only ⅓ of U.S. adults engage in the recommended amount of physical activity each week. This can be especially important for those learners with ADHD as exercise supports cognition and focus.
  • Sleep: Getting a sufficient amount of quality Sleep supports adults' Physical Well-being, including their brain health. This in turn helps learning. Physical exercise may also improve the quality of Sleep adults get.

Physical Well-being is also tightly intertwined with psychological well-being (see Emotion). Each can have a significant impact on the other, and this interplay ultimately defines a person's overall health. For example, increased levels of stress can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, and other negative effects while exercise can be a way to manage stress.

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