Search results: special education classroom management

2092 results
Adult Learner > Strategy > Worked Examples

Likourezos, V. & Kalyuga, S. (2019). The variability effect in high and low guidance instruction: A cognitive load perspective. In G. Hine, S. Blackley, & A. Cooke (Eds.). Mathematics Education Research: Impacting Practice (Proceedings of the 42nd annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia), 444-451.

Math 7-9 > Factor References > References: Measurement

Barrett, J. E., Clements, D. H., Klanderman, D., Pennisi, S.-J., & Polaki, M. V. (2006). Students' coordination of geometric reasoning and measuring strategies on a fixed perimeter task: Developing mathematical understanding of linear measurement. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 37(3), 187-221.

Math 7-9 > Factor References > References: Algebraic Thinking

Dindyal, J. (2004). Algebraic thinking in geometry at high school level: Students' use of variables and unknowns. In 27th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia Incorporated (MERGA 2004) on "Mathematics Education for the Third Millennium, Towards 2010", (pp. 183-190).

Adult Learner > Strategy References > Evaluating Sources

Breakstone, J., McGrew, S., Smith, M., Ortega, T., & Wineburg, S. (2018). Teaching students to navigate the online landscape. Social Education, 82(4), 219-221.

Portrait of a Learner 4-8 > Strategy References > Games

de Freitas, S. (2018). Are games effective learning tools? A review of educational games. Educational Technology & Society, 21(2), 74–84.

Math PK-2 > Strategy References > Guided Play

Isbell, R., Sobol, J., Lindauer, L., & Lowrance, A. (2004). The effects of storytelling and story reading on the oral language complexity and story comprehension of young children. Early Childhood Education Journal, 32(3), 157-163.

Math 7-10 > Factor References > References: Statistical Reasoning

delMas, R. C. (2002). Statistical literacy, reasoning, and thinking: A commentary. Journal of Statistics Education, 10(2).

Literacy PK-3 > Strategy References > Student-led Conferences

DeSpain, S.N., Conderman, G., & Gerzel-Short, L. (2018). Fostering family engagement in middle and secondary schools. Special and Early Education, 91(6), 236-242.

Literacy PK-3 > Strategy References > Explaining Their Thinking

Bouwer, R., Koster, M., & van den Bergh, H. (2018). Effects of a strategy-focused instructional program on the writing quality of upper elementary students in the Netherlands. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(1), 58.

Literacy PK-3 > Strategy References > Explaining Their Thinking

Bouwer, R., Koster, M., & van den Bergh, H. (2018). Effects of a strategy-focused instructional program on the writing quality of upper elementary students in the Netherlands. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(1), 58.