Search results: special education classroom management

2092 results
Adult Learner > Strategy > Flexible Grouping

Bates, C. C. (2013). Flexible grouping during literacy centers: A model for differentiating instruction. YC Young Children, 68(2), 30.Bedford, L., Wiebe, M., & Tschida, M. (2008). Flexible grouping in the higher education learning environment._ Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal, 1_(3).Burris, C. C., Heubert, J. P., & Levin, H. M. (2006). Accelerating mathematics achievement using heterogeneous grouping._ American Educational Research Journal, 43_(1), 137-154.Castle, S., Deniz, C. B., & Tortora, M. (2005). Flexible grouping and student learning in a high-needs school. Education and Urban Society, 37(2), 139-150.Colon, G., Zgliczynski, T., & Maheady, L. (2022). Using Flexible Grouping. In High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms (pp. 265-281). Routledge.Dube, F., Bessette, L., & Dorval, C. (2011). Differentiation and Explicit Teaching: Integration of Students with Learning Difficulties. Online Submission.Ford, M. P. (2005). Differentiation Through Flexible Grouping: Successfully Reaching All Readers. Learning Point Associates/North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).Gremp, M., Manning, M. L., Rutland, J. H., & Krile, M. J. (2022). Applying Special Education High Leverage Practices to Enhance Learning in Higher Education Courses.Hoffman, J. (2002). Flexible grouping strategies in the multiage classroom. Theory Into Practice, 41(1), 47-52.Hunter, W. C., Barnes, K. L., Taylor, A., Rush, C., & Banks, T. (2021). Using flexible grouping instruction to create culturally relevant PK-12 learning communities for culturally and linguistically diverse learners with exceptionalities. Multicultural Learning and Teaching, 0(0).

Literacy PK-3 > Strategy References > Multiple Methods of Assessment

Rao, K., Torres, C., & Smith, S. J. (2021). Digital tools and UDL-based instructional strategies to support students with disabilities online. Journal of Special Education Technology, 36(2), 105-112.

Literacy 4-6 > Strategy > Sensory Stimulation

Singer, K. (2015). Sensory processing disorders in elementary school: Identification and management strategies for teachers in the inclusive classroom (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Ontario, Canada.

Math 7-10 > Strategy References > Direct Instruction: Problem-solving Strategies

Xin, Y. P., Jitendra, A. K., & Deatline-Buchman, A. (2005). Effects of mathematical word problem-solving instruction on middle school students with learning problems. The Journal of Special Education, 39(3), 181-192.

Math 7-9 > Strategy References > Direct Instruction: Problem-solving Strategies

Xin, Y. P., Jitendra, A. K., & Deatline-Buchman, A. (2005). Effects of mathematical word problem-solving instruction on middle school students with learning problems. The Journal of Special Education, 39(3), 181-192.

Math PK-2 > Strategy > Encourage Self-advocacy

Stang, K. K., Carter, E. W., Lane, K. L., & Pierson, M. R. (2009). Perspectives of general and special educators on fostering self-determination in elementary and middle schools. The Journal of Special Education, 43(2), 94-106.

Adult Learner > Strategy References > Multiple Methods of Assessment

Rao, K., Torres, C., & Smith, S. J. (2021). Digital tools and UDL-based instructional strategies to support students with disabilities online. Journal of Special Education Technology, 36(2), 105-112.

Math 3-6 > Strategy > Sensory Stimulation

Singer, K. (2015). Sensory processing disorders in elementary school: Identification and management strategies for teachers in the inclusive classroom (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Ontario, Canada.

Adult Learner > Strategy References > Case Studies/Case-based Learning

Shivakumar, Kirti. (2012). The case study method in training and management education. KLS' Institute of _Management Education and Research. The IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 6(_2), 55-64.