Search results: special education classroom management

2092 results
Math PK-2 > Strategy References > Gestures

Healy, L., Ramos, E. B., Fernandes, S. H. A. A., & Peixoto, J. L. B. (2016). Mathematics in the hands of deaf learners and blind learners: Visual-gestural-somatic means of doing and expressing mathematics. In Mathematics Education and Language Diversity (pp. 141-162). Springer, Cham.

Portrait of a Learner 4-8 > Factor References > Sensory Integration

Greenburg, J. E., Carlson, A. G., Kim, H., Curby, T. W., & Winsler, A. (2020). Early visual-spatial integration skills predict elementary school achievement among low-income, ethnically diverse children. Early Education and Development, 31(2), 304-322.

Adult Learner > Strategy > Clear & Coherent Structure and Presentation

O'Neal, P. V., McClellan, L. C., & Jarosinski, J. M. (2016). A new model in teaching undergraduate research: A collaborative approach and learning cooperatives. Nurse Education in Practice, 18, 80-84.

Literacy PK-3 > Strategy > Cooperative Writing Activities

Aristizabal, L. F., Cano, S., Collazos, C. A., Solano, A., & Slegers, K. (2017, September). Collaborative learning as educational strategy for deaf children: A systematic literature review. In Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference on Human Computer Interaction _(pp. 1-8).De Smedt, F., & Van Keer, H. (2014). A research synthesis on effective writing instruction in primary education. _Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 112, 693-701.Montesinos-Gelet, I., & Morin, M. F. (2005). The impact of a cooperative approximate spelling situation in a kindergarten setting. L1-educational Studies in Language and Literature, 5(3), 365-383.Nixon, J. G., & Topping, K. J. (2001). Emergent writing: The impact of structured peer interaction. Educational Psychology, 21(1), 41-58.Puranik, C., Patchan, M., Lemons, C., & Al Otaiba, S. (2017). Using peer assisted strategies to teach early writing: results of a pilot study to examine feasibility and promise. Reading & Writing, 30, 25-50. DOI 10.1007/s11145-016-9661-9Puranik, C., Petscher, Y., Al Otaiba, S., & Lemons, C. (2018). Improving kindergarten students' writing outcomes using peer assisted strategies. Elementary School Journal, 118(4), 680-710.

Portrait of a Learner 9-12 > Strategy References > Audiobooks & E-Books

Koskinen, P. S., Blum, I. H., Bisson, S. A., Phillips, S. M., Creamer, T. S., & Baker, T. K. (2000). Book Access, Shared Reading, and Audio Models: The Effects of Supporting the Literacy Learning of Linguistically Diverse Students in School and at Home. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(1), 23–26.

Portrait of a Learner 4-8 > Factor References > Hearing

Greco, V., Beresford, B., & Sutherland, H. (2009). Deaf Children and Young People's Experiences of Using Specialist Mental Health Services. Children & Society, 23(6), 455–469.

Adult Learner > Strategy > Clear Structure & Presentation

O'Neal, P. V., McClellan, L. C., & Jarosinski, J. M. (2016). A new model in teaching undergraduate research: A collaborative approach and learning cooperatives. Nurse Education in Practice, 18, 80-84.

Portrait of a Learner 9-12 > Strategy References > Gestures

Engel, S. (2011). Children's need to know: Curiosity in schools. Harvard Educational Review, 81(4), 625-645.

Portrait of a Learner 9-12 > Factor References > Hearing

Greco, V., Beresford, B., & Sutherland, H. (2009). Deaf Children and Young People's Experiences of Using Specialist Mental Health Services. Children & Society, 23(6), 455–469.

Math PK-2 > Factor References > References: Language Skills

Chan, S. (2015). Linguistic challenges in the mathematical register for EFL learners: Linguistic and multimodal strategies to help learners tackle mathematics word problems. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 18(3), 306-318.