Digital Promise Signature Workspace

Real-world Learning for Adults

Real-world Learning Factors

Adult learner

With increased life experiences, social interactions, and participation in education, adult learners bring a plethora of Background Knowledge to learning.

Adult learner

Learner Mindset includes learners' self-concept and self-efficacy beliefs as well as their persistence at learning tasks.

Adult learner

Motivation comprises the direction and energy that guides behavior.

Adult learner

Problem Solving skills help adults think critically and creatively to navigate different challenges or conflicts, including those arising in personal, career, or academic settings.

Adult learner

Reasoning is the cognitive ability that allows us to notice similarities and relationships across contexts.

Adult learner

Metacognition is the ability to think about our internal cognitive processes, or to “think about thinking”.

Real-World Learning Strategies

Authentic Audiences & Purposes

Adult learner

When adults can connect and communicate with authentic audiences about their interests and values, learning becomes more personally meaningful and relevant.

Communities of Practice

Adult learner

Adult learners can self-organize into groups called communities of practice to engage in longer-term examination of a topic to build deeper understanding.

Competency-based Learning & Assessment

Adult learner

Competency-based learning is self-paced, focused on mastery, and centered around demonstrating learning outcomes and skills rather than where or how they were attained.

Case Studies/Case-based Learning

Adult learner

Case studies support authentic, active learning experiences centered around real world situations that present an account of a particular set of circumstances for learners to engage with.

Cultural & Life Experiences Connections

Adult learner

Understanding adults' lived experiences and cultural backgrounds and connecting them to instructional practices helps all learners feel like valued members of the community.

Experiential Learning

Adult learner

Experiential learning is learning by doing, which may include self-directed learning activities.

Problem-based Learning

Adult learner

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a learner-centered multidisciplinary approach focused on real world applications using active learning methods.

Real-world Math

Adult learner

When instructors are able to provide context, and connect math concepts to an adult learner's world, math can be seen as relevant and applicable to their daily lives and work- a core aspect of adult Numeracy.

Simulations & Immersive Virtual Environments

Adult learner

Simulations and immersive virtual environments provide authentic learning at a level that can spark curiosity and deeper understanding by engaging multiple senses in exploration.