Sentence Frames
Sentence frames or stems provide language support for students' writing and participation in academic discussions. As a scaffold for students to start and structure an explanation, sentence frames help all students develop more fluent Composition and, in particular, allow students with varying English proficiency to use more complex Syntax and academic Vocabulary.
Example: Use This Strategy in the Classroom
Watch how this teacher uses sentence frames and graphic organizers to support English Learners during a rich content class activity. By having these scaffolds, students can share their thinking and ask questions while feeling supported by their peers and teacher.
Design It into Your Product
Videos are chosen as examples of strategies in action. These choices are not endorsements of the products or evidence of use of research to develop the feature.
Starting at 1:38, learn how Word Raider incorporates sentence frames to support students in using new academic Vocabulary.
Additional Resources
Additional examples, research, and professional development. These resources are possible representations of this strategy, not endorsements.
Factors Supported by this Strategy
More Visual Learning Tools Strategies
Advance graphic organizers link prior knowledge to upcoming learning to help students anticipate and understand the structure of new information.
Visualizing how ideas fit together helps students construct meaning and strengthens their recall.
Using visual aids, such as pictures, diagrams, and charts, allows for additional processing time and supports learners by breaking down content and skills into more manageable parts.
Providing visuals to introduce, support, or review instruction activates more cognitive processes to support learning.