Select one or more factors to see the strategies that support your chosen factor(s). For each strategy, we provide ideas for classroom and product application, videos, and further resources.
Students can work with number combinations using different strategies to build a network of connections between numbers.
Students’ Math Flexibility—the ability to shift between representations of numbers and between problem-solving strategies—supports a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and procedures.
As math becomes more complex, students need to increasingly talk and think through their process when working on problems.
Math Communication can also support these metacognitive processes.
Students’ positive Math Mindset can increase their engagement with math learning and help them see math as meaningful.
Increasing students’ feelings of confidence in their ability to do math can also support their Self-regulation as they set more challenging goals for themselves.
Planning, communicating, and reflecting about math helps build a deeper understanding.
View Theme 2Students can work with number combinations using different strategies to build a network of connections between numbers.
Students’ Math Flexibility—the ability to shift between representations of numbers and between problem-solving strategies—supports a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and procedures.
As math becomes more complex, students need to increasingly talk and think through their process when working on problems.
Math Communication can also support these metacognitive processes.
Students’ positive Math Mindset can increase their engagement with math learning and help them see math as meaningful.
Increasing students’ feelings of confidence in their ability to do math can also support their Self-regulation as they set more challenging goals for themselves.