Triple E Framework and Nouns Lesson


Reciprocal Teaching

Literacy PK-3

When students explain to others, they deepen their understanding and gain confidence in their learning.

Pictures & Visuals

Literacy PK-3

Visuals help students recognize relationships within words and sentences to develop reading skills.

Movement Breaks

Literacy PK-3

Brain breaks that include movement allow learners to refresh their thinking and focus on learning new information.

Model Assignment or Skill

Literacy PK-3

By talking through their thinking at each step of a process, teachers can model what learning looks like.


Literacy PK-3

Imagining allows students to step back from a problem or task and think about it from multiple angles.


Literacy PK-3

Adding motions to complement learning activates more cognitive processes for recall and understanding.

Explaining Their Thinking

Literacy PK-3

When students explain their thinking process aloud, they recognize the strategies they use and solidify their understanding.

Factors that are impacted by these strategies

Literacy PK-3

Syntax skills help us understand how sentences work—the meanings behind word order, structure, and punctuation.

Literacy PK-3

Helping students build their Vocabulary helps them understand what they are reading.

Literacy PK-3

Working Memory allows a person to temporarily hold and manipulate information to apply in other processes.

Literacy PK-3

Long-term Memory can store information indefinitely.

Literacy PK-3

Attention is the ability to focus on a specific task without being distracted.

Literacy PK-3

Auditory Processing is how we understand what we hear.

Literacy PK-3

Self-regulation skills help students concentrate on learning.

Literacy PK-3

Emotions are complex psychological states stemming from a person's experiences.

Literacy PK-3

Motivation is the desire and energy that guides behavior.

Literacy PK-3

The trauma that comes from experiencing adversity in childhood releases stress hormones that can lead to changes in the body and brain.

Literacy PK-3

A student's Home Literacy Environment (HLE) is the environment parents and caregivers provide to help learners gain early literacy skills.

Literacy PK-3

Primary Language is the language a person has been exposed to from birth.