Literacy 4-6

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Literacy 4-6 > Factors > Foundational Writing Skills

Foundational Writing Skills

Factor Connections

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How Foundational Writing Skills connects to...

Writing builds on many early-developing skills, including conceptual knowledge of print, Phonological Processing, and Handwriting Skills. Once these emergent skills are solidified, learners can begin to focus on higher level procedural skills including punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and writing speed. As conceptual and procedural skills become more automatic, learners can use their cognitive resources to focus on the writing process, increasing their ability to generate original ideas and thoughts in writing.

Main Ideas

As learners move through elementary school, Foundational Writing Skills become increasingly complex to include transcription skills such as:

  • Punctuation: Using conventional marks, such as commas, periods, and question marks, to properly divide sentences and make one's intended meaning clear
  • Capitalization: Properly capitalizing letters using the conventions of the written language (e.g., the first letter of a sentence in English)
  • Spelling: Writing words with the correct spelling. Students initially learn to spell words within their oral Vocabulary then learn conventional spelling rules that allow them to quickly learn to spell new words. Spelling develops through several stages within the first four to five years of formal schooling and transitions from reliance on knowledge of speech sounds (phonemes) to orthographic knowledge (knowledge of written language).
  • Handwriting Fluency and Typing Speed: Includes both handwriting legibility and speed and typing speed. These skills are essential for developing writers because research shows better handwriting fluency and typing speed are associated with higher quality writing composition. As students progress throughout elementary school, their handwriting fluency and typing speed is expected to increase.

These procedural skills support students in expressing their ideas through narrative and expository writing, building their Genre Knowledge. Learners with dyslexia may struggle with the graphomotor component of writing, including handwriting speed, accuracy, and spelling. Similarly, learners with dysgraphia, or difficulties with written expression, may require additional support as the writing process becomes more complex.

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