Literacy PK-3

Systems Change
Literacy PK-3 > Factors > Sense of Belonging

Sense of Belonging

Factor Connections

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A Sense of Belonging allows us to feel included, respected, and supported in school. It is heavily tied to our own identities, supports the development of a positive identity, and is context and culture-dependent. Particularly among culturally and historically marginalized students, school settings have the potential to be a supportive environment, fostering positive identity development; however, they can also be a source of adversity, when trust and belonging are not established. As students get older, those who feel a stronger Sense of Belonging in school typically have greater self-efficacy and academic success.

Main Ideas

Belongingness is the extent that students feel personally valued, included, and supported by others in their learning environment. In U.S society, white people typically develop an internalized and mostly unconscious sense of racial belonging through exposure and experiences. However, members of culturally and historically marginalized groups may feel uncertain about the quality of their social bonds in academic settings. Students' lack of school belonging is rooted in structural policies which privilege certain values and norms while devaluing the cultural wealth and knowledge that other students possess. Research has found that teachers' expectations and implicit biases around race and gender may affect their perceptions of even young students' behaviors, ultimately leading to differential treatment, including increased suspension rates. While young children are still developing the capacity to understand the meaning of discriminatory experiences, they are able to perceive racial, ethnic, and other harmful stereotypes and discrimination. As they transition to formal school, their social world expands, along with the potential for increased exposure to discriminatory behaviors from teachers and peers.

Identity development involves asking questions about one's past, present, and future self. This process starts at birth, peaks at adolescence, and continues through adulthood, and is heavily dependent upon lived experiences. Identity formation includes self-awareness, information-seeking, and exploration about the groups with which we identify. Identity development occurs differently across different facets of students' identities (e.g., race, gender, class, disability, immigrant status, etc.). In the U.S., members of more dominant, privileged groups are often considered the ‘standard'; therefore, individuals from marginalized groups may feel as if they don't belong or their identities are not represented. In addition it is important to note that many students have multiple marginalized identities which intersect and may further compound difficulties in belonging. When educators recognize students' intersectional identities, this can build a strong positive culture and play a role in empowering students.

Racial Identity Theory suggests that our racial identity is made of three core components:

  • Centrality: Dominance of race to one's self-concept
  • Private regard: One's own positive/negative feelings towards being one's race
  • Public regard: Perceptions of how others view one's race

Racial identity development entails forging an understanding of how the centrality and public perception of race is intertwined with personal identity. Young children's exposure to individuals of the same and different ethnic-racial backgrounds contributes to their ability to give initial meaning to ethnic-racial categories. A strong ethnic or racial identity has been shown to mitigate some of the negative impact that racial discrimination can have on internal and external behavioral regulation in young children.

It is also important to recognize that many people have concealed/non-visible identities that may be stigmatized, such as physical or mental health, family circumstances, or learning disabilities. These non-visible identities can be isolating, and can impact an individual's Sense of Belonging, Social Supports, and health. Students with learning disabilities may experience labeling, separation, and stereotyping in school, which may reduce a learner's Sense of Belonging and academic growth.

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