Culturally Responsive Math Teaching: Mathematical Thinking

This workspace focuses on equity and includes some of the key factors and strategies that can contribute to and promote a culturally responsive mathematics classroom. This workspace focuses on 3 dimensions of mathematical thinking: math knowledge, cognitive demand and math communication/discourse (Aguirre & Zavala, 2013).


Guided Inquiry

Math PK-2

In guided inquiry, teachers help students use their own language for constructing knowledge by active listening and questioning.

Three-phase Lesson Format

Math PK-2

Three-phase lesson format is a problem-solving structure to promote meaningful math learning by activating prior knowledge, letting students explore mathematical thinking, and promoting a math community of learners.

Creating Visual Representations

Math PK-2

Students activate more cognitive processes by exploring and representing their understandings in visual form.

Cognitively Demanding Tasks

Math 3-6

Providing math tasks with high cognitive demand conveys high expectations for all students by challenging them to engage in higher-order thinking.

Guided Inquiry

Math 3-6

In guided inquiry, teachers help students use their own language for constructing knowledge by active listening and questioning.

Explaining Their Thinking

Math 3-6

When students explain their thinking process aloud with guidance in response to questions or prompts, they recognize the strategies they use and solidify their understanding.

Creating Visual Representations

Math 7-10

Students activate more cognitive processes by exploring and representing their understandings in visual form.

Worked Examples

Math 7-10

Analyzing and discussing solved problems helps students develop a deeper understanding of abstract mathematical processes.

Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA)

Math 7-10

CRA is a sequential instructional approach during which students move from working with concrete materials to creating representational drawings to using abstract symbols.

STRATEGIES THAT SUPPORT math communication & Discourse 

Explaining Their Thinking

Math PK-2

When students explain their thinking process aloud with guidance in response to questions or prompts, they recognize the strategies they use and solidify their understanding.

Word Walls

Math PK-2

A word wall helps build the mathematical vocabulary and Language Skills that are necessary for problem solving.

Error Analysis

Math 3-6

Analyzing incorrect worked examples is especially beneficial for helping students develop a conceptual understanding of mathematical processes.

Writing to Learn Math

Math 3-6

Writing that encourages students to articulate their understanding of math concepts or explain math ideas helps deepen students' mathematical understanding.

Gallery Walk
Math 3-6

As students walk through stations working in small groups, the social and physical nature of the learning supports deeper understanding.

Peer Teaching

Math 7-10

Having students teach their knowledge, skills, and understanding to their classmates strengthens learning.

Math Talks

Math 7-10

When students have meaningful discussions about math and use math vocabulary, they develop the thinking, questioning, and explanation skills needed to master mathematical concepts.

Flipped Classroom

Math 7-10

The flipped classroom has two parts: cooperative group activities in class and digitally-based individual instruction out of class.

Collaborative Problem Solving

Math PK-2

As students solve problems in a group, they learn new strategies and practice communicating their mathematical thinking.

strategies that support math knowledge & understanding 

Multiple Representations: Manipulatives

Math PK-2

Providing physical representations of numbers and math concepts helps activate mental processes.

Multiple Representations: Number Line

Math PK-2

Easy access to seeing the relationships between numbers promotes number sense as students see these connections repeatedly.

Multiple Representations: Visual Representations

Math 3-6

Visual representations help students understand what a number represents as well as recognize relationships between numbers.

Multiple Representations: Manipulatives

Math 3-6

Providing physical and virtual representations of numbers and math concepts helps activate mental processes.

Real-world Math

Math 7-10

When teachers connect math to the students' world, students see how math is relevant and applicable to their daily lives.

Multiple Representations: Manipulatives

Math 7-10

Providing physical and virtual representations of numbers and math concepts helps activate mental processes.

Multiple Representations: Visual Representations

Math 7-10

Visual representations help students understand what a number represents as well as recognize relationships between numbers.

FACTORS RELATED TO MATHematical thinking

Math PK-2

Arithmetic Fact Retrieval requires efficiently, accurately, and flexibly drawing basic number combinations from Long-term Memory to use in performing more complex calculations.

Math PK-2

Cognitive Flexibility, a component of executive functioning, is the ability to effectively adapt our behavior as we face changing environmental and task demands.

Math PK-2

Mathematical Flexibility is the ability to maintain and flexibly shift among multiple representations of numbers and problem-solving strategies.

Math PK-2

Visual Processing is seeing at the cognitive level: taking the input that comes through our Vision and working to understand what we see.

Math PK-2

Working Memory, a component of executive functioning, allows a person to temporarily hold and manipulate information to apply in other processes.

Math PK-2

Long-term Memory can store information indefinitely.

Math PK-2

Many of the Language Skills that are critical for reading are also important for math success.

Math 3-6

Algebraic Thinking is the ability to generalize, represent, justify, and reason with abstract mathematical structures and relationships.

Math 3-6

Reasoning is the ability to think abstractly, draw inferences, identify patterns and relationships, and apply logic in order to flexibly solve novel problems.

Math 3-6

Mathematical Flexibility is the ability to maintain and shift among multiple representations of numbers and between problem-solving strategies in an adaptive manner.

Math 3-6

Language and literacy skills support many aspects of math problem solving.

Math 3-6

Students typically begin by thinking about Operations as telling them which procedural calculations, or computations, to do (such as finding the sum or difference of two numbers).

Math 3-6


Math 3-6


Math 3-6

Visual Processing is seeing at the cognitive level: taking the input that comes through our Vision and working to understand what we see.

Math 7-10

Algebraic Thinking is the ability to generalize, represent, justify, and reason with abstract mathematical structures and relationships.

Math 7-10

Geometric Reasoning involves using abstract thinking to define, analyze, and make arguments about shapes and spatial relationships.

Math 7-10

Proportional Reasoning involves an understanding of ratio and the relationships between ratios.

Math 7-10

Language and literacy skills support many aspects of math problem solving.

Math 7-10

Long-term Memory can store information indefinitely.

Math 7-10

Statistical Reasoning involves thinking about and understanding uncertainty and building mental models to capture key aspects of real world phenomena.

Math 7-10

Reasoning is the ability to think abstractly, draw inferences, identify patterns and relationships, and apply logic in order to flexibly solve novel problems.

Math 7-10

Visual Processing is seeing at the cognitive level: taking the input that comes through our Vision and working to understand what we see.

Math 7-10

While the executive functions Inhibition and Working Memory are very much related processes and show similar developmental trajectories in childhood, they become more distinct processes during adolescence.